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Student Empowerment
Bilingual Education: Beyond Linguistic Instrumentalization
Examines potential ways to view bilingual education in a more liberatory perspective. Summarizes the global, historical context of bilingual education, and outlines principles and features of six models of formal bilingual education.
Computer Use Levers Power Sharing: Multicultural Students' Styles of Participation and Knowledge
This study investigated ways four elementary teachers learned to use technology in a way sensitive to cultural differences of their students. The most significant finding was that as teachers started using three to five computers in their classrooms, they shifted from large-group to small-group instruction.
Creating Safety To Address Controversial Issues: Strategies for the Classroom
Presents seven elements of a safe classroom in controversy-driven courses, where students can exchange ideas rather than emotions as they learn and discuss. The elements are: collegiality, empowerment, role modeling, preparation, shared purpose, reflection, and commitment.
Empowering Pedagogies That Enhance the Learning of Multicultural Students
Discusses the tenets of critical pedagogy, describing research on the presence of those tenets within discourse patterns and pedagogical practices in urban, community-based classrooms. Discourses and pedagogies of three female, African American teachers are highlighted, examining how teachers challenge students to consider alternate life possibilities, become critical thinkers, and consider transformation of their own and others' life situations.
Inclusive Schooling in a Plural Society: Removing the Margins
A multi-centric model of education is proposed that actively works to de-center dominant Eurocentric knowledge and incorporate other worldviews throughout all aspects of teaching and learning. The model has four primary learning objectives: integrating multiple centers of knowledge, affecting social and educational change, recognizing and respecting difference, and teaching youth and community empowerment.
Looking Over the Edge: Preparing Teachers for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Middle Schools
The principles and practices of multicultural education became the heart of one middle school teacher education program. The five principles included fostering inter/intragroup harmony through learning communities, targeting social justice and affirmation of diversity, empowering students and teachers, seeing things from multiple perspectives, and preparing teachers explicitly for cultural and linguistic diversity.
Mediating Boundaries of Race, Class, and Professorial Authority as a Critical Multiculturalist
Presents one college professor's reflections on the challenges of mediating the boundaries of race, class, and professorial authority in an undergraduate multicultural education course. After discussing current debates about multicultural education, the paper examines assumptions underlying a multicultural discourse, poses questions about pedagogy, and discusses the usefulness of theories of critical pedagogy in addressing the questions.
Multicultural Education outside the Classroom: Building the Capacity of HIV Prevention Peer Educators
Describes the Wisconsin Youth HIV Prevention Institution, a program to enhance HIV prevention peer education for reaching youth at high risk, focusing on its intensive multicultural education and empowerment approach. Summarizes evaluation findings related to participation in the program and discusses implications of the program for HIV prevention peer education and other forms of multicultural education.
Multicultural Education: Common Problems Experienced by Various Cultures
The United States today is a pluralistic society, and a multicultural curriculum is a necessary component of the overall school curriculum. Multicultural education should address the culturally and the linguistically diverse student.
Power and Empowerment in Multicultural Education: Using the Radical Democratic Model for Rehabilitation Education
Considers advantages and disadvantages of four different sociopolitical approaches to multicultural studies: corporate, liberal, essentialist, and radical democratic. Suggests the use of a radical democratic perspective because this approach acknowledges the need for changes in the power structures of society.
Reforzando a los Alumnos Diversos Culturalmente y Linguisticamente con Aprendizaje. Traduccion de ERIC EC Digest #E500. (Empowering Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Learning Problems). Translation of ERIC EC Digest #E500
This digest describes ways in which professionals who work with students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds can create an educational climate that accepts and respects the language and culture of its students and empowers them to feel confident enough to risk getting involved in the learning process.
Student Self-Empowerment: A Dimension of Multicultural Education
Examined ways in which 27 urban ninth graders from diverse backgrounds displayed empowering behaviors and attitudes. Students clearly voiced that they were in control of their actions.
Toward an Empowering Multicultural Assessment Technique
Discusses the move toward teaching strategies designed to empower students, sharing one university professor's experiences with a cooperative learning method of student assessment in a teacher training multicultural education course that utilized an empowering model. (SM).