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Self Evaluation (Individuals)
Are Our Preservice Teachers Ready To Teach in This Culturally Diverse Society? Examining Preservice Teachers' Self-Assessment on Their Multicultural Teaching Performance
This study examined preservice teachers' multicultural teaching performance and noted whether preservice teachers' demographic and educational backgrounds would predict their performance.
Beyond Race Awareness: White Racial Identity and Multicultural Teaching
Interviews examined whether white students' shifts in thinking about themselves as racial beings and about systems of oppression during a multicultural education course were evident in later teaching practice. Though students initially resisted learning about their own racism, they eventually became more willing to take some responsibility for racism.
Collaboration in the Science Classroom To Tackle Racism and Sexism
Describes techniques used in a British secondary school classroom to encourage collaborative learning to promote science while addressing sexism and racism in the classroom. Group work practices were extended to include students monitoring of themselves and their interactions, with feedback and discussion of the social processes.
Constructing an Image of a White Teacher
To confront racial issues in their classrooms, white student teachers reflected on their identities as white teachers and their understandings of multiculturalism. By confronting their identities and challenging the meaning of being white teachers, they could better pursue teaching practices to alter the way white students are educated about themselves and about multicultural education.
Predictive Characteristics of Multicultural Counselling Competence
This paper looks at multicultural counseling competencies from a national sample of Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association members.
Reflecting, Reconceptualizing, and Revising: The Evolution of a Portfolio Assignment in a Multicultural Teacher Education Course
Describes the use of portfolios in teacher education programs and the development and evolution of a portfolio assignment in a course on multicultural issues in special education. Qualitative data that describe students' (n=156) learning is presented, and implications for future practice and research is provided.
Reflective Activities: Helping Students Connect with Texts. Classroom Practices in Teaching English, Volume 30
This book offers successful classroom practices that encourage students to learn purposefully and constructively by reflecting on their own learning processes and by making connections between what they read (whether verbal or visual texts) and the lives they lead.
Using Multicultural Resources for Teachers To Combat Racial Prejudice in the Classroom
Presents questions that will assist early childhood teachers in evaluating their own views and behaviors toward various ethnic groups. Provides resources for teachers to educate themselves, parents, and students.