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Secondary School Students
A Theoretical Framework for Training Monolingual School Psychologists to Work with Multilingual/Multicultural Children: An Exploration of the Major Competencies
Suggests major competencies needed by all school psychologists, especially when working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Suggestions were gathered from practitioners in the field, published data, literature reviews, and personal observations.
Community Service in a Multicultural Nation
Examines human qualities that undergird citizens' commitment to the common good in diverse societies, suggesting that community service fosters such qualities. Planned interactions across social barriers are necessary to develop qualities of citizenship for pluralistic nations.
Education Against Racism and Xenophobia in Europe
Describes a combined initiative between Britain and Germany on educating secondary school students against racism and xenophobia. The development and planning of the initiative is outlined, including teacher responses.
Educational Experiences of Chinese Pupils in Manchester
Studies educational experiences and attitudes of 200 Chinese secondary school students in Manchester (England). Findings support the claim that most were confident in their school work and most liked school.
Hispanic-American Students and Learning Style. ERIC Digest
This digest identifies cultural values that may affect the learning processes of Hispanic-American students, reviews research on the learning styles of Hispanic-American students, and discusses the implications of this research for counseling and teaching Hispanic youth. One cultural value that is of paramount importance in most Hispanic cultures is family commitment.
Multicultural Identity Development: Preparing To Work with Diverse Populations
Working effectively within a multicultural society requires that counselors and educators become multicultural in context. This study was designed to determine whether a three-part cultural training diversity program would enable participants to become multicultural in context through structured learning experiences.
Multicultural Identity Development: Preparing To Work with Diverse Populations
Working effectively within a multicultural society requires that counselors and educators become multicultural in context. This study was designed to determine whether a three-part cultural training diversity program would enable participants to become multicultural in context through structured learning experiences.
Preservice Field Experience as a Multicultural Component of a Teacher Education Program
This study examined the effect of pre-student-teaching field experience in a multicultural setting on preservice teachers' cultural sensitivity. Preservice teachers took the Cultural Awareness Inventory before and after a field experience with minority students.
Shifting Identities in Private Education: Reconstructing Race at/in the Cultural Center
Examines social constructs of white racial identity among adolescent girls attending a largely white, elite, private, single-sex high school. Students' voices illustrate how liberal discourses position youth and how white youth actively remake themselves in relation to prevailing meanings and practices institutionalized in private schools.
The Formative Evaluation of Years 1 and 2 of a Pilot Multicultural/Antiracist Educational Leadership Program
This paper describes the evaluation approach, techniques, and instruments adopted during the first 2 years of a 3-year multicultural/antiracist educational leadership program in 4 Canadian provinces involving approximately 200 secondary students. The formative evaluation of these two years was aimed at program achievement.