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Racial Factors
Issues in Mathematics Education with African American Students
To teach mathematics successfully to African Americans, there must be modification of what math is as a knowledge. Recently, a framework was composed which delineated four disparate dimensions of math as a type of knowledge and how assessment varies as a result of the definitions.
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Academic Library Collections: Ownership and Access of African American and U.S. Latino Periodical Literature
Measures ownership of and access to African American and Latino periodical literature, illustrating the successes and failures in promoting racial and ethnic diversity in research libraries belonging to the ARL (Association of Research Libraries). Discusses desirability of multicultural collections; bibliographic control and access issues; and correlations between indexing and ownership.
Unraveling Multicultural Education's Meanings: An Analysis of Core Assumptions Found in Academic Writings in Canada and the United States, 1981-1997
Analyzes conceptions of multicultural education found within academic literature from 1981 to 1997. Identifies five key social and educational beliefs that generally have not been subject to academic scrutiny, and suggests that contradictions within the literature may have a potentially destructive impact on efforts to improve intercultural relations.
Multicultural Teacher Education for the 21st Century
Discusses multicultural preservice teacher education, recommending that preservice programs be more deliberate about preparing white Americans for teaching diverse students because of the increasing division between white teachers and minority students. The paper examines preservice teachers' fear of diversity and resistance to dealing with race and racism, proposing a two-part program for preparing teachers to work with diverse students.
Multicultural Education in the New Century
Democratic societies require citizens committed to realizing democratic ideals. Multicultural education helps unify a nation deeply divided along racial, ethnic, and class lines.
Multiple Definitions of Multicultural Literature: Is the Debate Really Just "Ivory Tower" Bickering?
Argues that controversy over the definition of multicultural literature is focused on how many cultures should be covered. Identifies and discusses three key definitions that raise fundamental sociopolitical issues and have differing implications for how multicultural literature is incorporated into the curriculum.
Talking Race in Concrete: Leadership, Diversity, and Praxis
Traditional school administrator programs have neglected the democratic and moral dimensions of leadership preparation. In an increasingly diverse world, leadership theory needs to be reformed as critical, reflective, and concerned with social justice and praxis.
Women of Color: Perspectives within the Profession
To effectively interact with their students, leaders and teachers in sport and physical activity must be familiar with their students' cultural backgrounds. This collection of articles discusses how women of color deal with and have been affected by their racial and ethnic identities in relationship to physical activity and sport.
In Search of Wholeness: African American Teachers and Their Culturally Specific Classroom Practices
This collection of essays is a theoretical and practice-oriented treatment of how culture and race influence African American teachers. After an introduction, "The Common Experience" (Jacqueline Jordan Irvine), there are eight chapters in two parts.
Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics
This collection of essays by college instructors who teach in the humanities, social sciences, science, and education, addresses the challenges faced by professors who believe that teaching responsibly requires an honest examination of race.
Exploring the Nature of Race-Related Guilt
In a hermeneutic phenomenology study, the main purpose of which was to explore how White graduate students made meaning of being White, race related guilt was found to be a prominent emotion. This article explores race related guilt and suggests liberation therapy as a counseling tool to transform guilt to positive action.
Mediating Boundaries of Race, Class, and Professorial Authority as a Critical Multiculturalist
Presents one college professor's reflections on the challenges of mediating the boundaries of race, class, and professorial authority in an undergraduate multicultural education course. After discussing current debates about multicultural education, the paper examines assumptions underlying a multicultural discourse, poses questions about pedagogy, and discusses the usefulness of theories of critical pedagogy in addressing the questions.
W(R)i(t/d)ing on the Border: Reading our Borderscape
Provides a counter story focusing on the U.S./Mexico border that is a borderscape requiring active and tacit engagements and uses the genre of Critical Race Theory in which the experiential and intrinsic complexity of story knowledge depends on the Other's lived experiences. Attempts to unmask the hegemony of social injustices.
Multicultural and Disability Agendas in Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
Examines multicultural and introductory special-education textbooks to assess how each set of texts treats the other's issues. Analyzes conversations with teacher-education leaders addressing how their programs treat both issues.
Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics
This collection of essays by college instructors who teach in the humanities, social sciences, science, and education, addresses the challenges faced by professors who believe that teaching responsibly requires an honest examination of race.
Multicultural Teaching: African-American Faculty Classroom Teaching Experiences in Predominantly White Colleges and Universities
Explored classroom teaching challenges faced by African American faculty at a predominantly white college. Focus group interviews with black faculty indicated that the teachers believed white students felt their standards were too high and did not match white professors' expectations.
In Search of Wholeness: African American Teachers and Their Culturally Specific Classroom Practices
This collection of essays is a theoretical and practice-oriented treatment of how culture and race influence African American teachers.
Messing with Mr. In-Between: Multiculturalism and Hybridization
Outlines characterizations of discussions of "raced media representations," based on a review of 40 interviews with classroom media teachers, classroom visits, and a provincewide (Ontario) survey. Finds that teachers either become cautious and very politically correct; adopt a liberal multiculturalist position; or take up an actively antiracist view, attempting to confront the hard issues head on.