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Public Policy
Assimilation or Pluralism? Changing Policies for Minority Languages Education in Australia
Traces the effects on Australian language policy of a changing sociolinguistic situation--increasing multilingualism--and a weakening of a monolingual ideology. Analyzes the country' s emergence from an assimilationist past to its embracement of a more multicultural approach with special reference to young Cambodian-Australian's educational achievements that show the vital importance of school support for minority language literacy and students' subsequent professional advancement.
At Last! The Early Years Are Creeping up the Agenda, and Equality too
The importance of racial, economic, and gender equality in early education has recently received increased attention in British public policy. The Early Years Trainers Anti Racist Network and other organizations have played a role in increasing awareness of early-childhood-education inequality and will continue to address future equity opportunities and obstacles.
Citizenship Education and Diversity
The goals of citizenship education can conflict with values of cultural pluralism. The Canadian government's policy is one of official neutrality and tolerance with respect to cultural differences.
Combating Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust
Maintains that the Holocaust was the catalyst for Canadian antihate legislation. Maintains that, to combat racism and bigotry, it is necessary to use three important tools: (1) the law; (2) community action; and (3) education.
Creating Florida's Multilingual Global Work Force: Educational Policies and Practices for Students Learning English as a New Language
A selection of essays address issues in the education of students of English as a Second Language in Florida, focusing on the development of the state's labor force among this multilingual, multicultural population.
Education Issues in Rural Schools of America
To have an impact on rural schools and communities, education researchers and reformers must stop approaching rural issues from an urban perspective, adopt a perspective that values rurality, and address issues specific to the rural context. Rural schools have contributed to the depletion of rural communities by focusing on individual mobility and prosperity rather than the public good.
Forty Years After Brown: The Impact of Immigration Policy on Desegregation
Examines how current legal trends and policies shape the efforts of educators in urban schools serving the multicultural communities where immigrant families reside. Relevant laws and policies are reviewed, as well as the strategies educators use to meet the needs of immigrant children, including access to schools and programs, assessment and placement, and engineered school climates.
Government Policy and School Effects: Racism and Social Justice in Policy and Practice
Criticizes social justice policies of the Labour government in the United Kingdom because they promote formal equality in the schools without working for substantive equity in outcomes of education. Naive multiculturalism is an inadequate policy response to the institutionalized racism that pervades the contemporary education system.
Including African-American Values in Educational Discourse: Toward a Multicultural Public Philosophy
Inspired by W. E.
Inclusive Societies, Inclusive Schools--The Terms of Debate and Action
Discusses four concepts addressing racism and British government policy: (1) exclusion as an element in racism; (2) inclusiveness as a basis for research; (3) open and closed minds in public discourse; and (4) inclusive schools and a 10-point agenda of terms of action to be put to the New Labour party. (MAK).
Interpreting and Translating in Australia: Current Issues and International Comparisons
This report describes the role and status of interpreting and translation (I/T) training and services in Australia and examines a number of issues that relate to policy formation and service provision. It first describes the context for I/T service needs in Australia, then outlines the history and structure of the field in that country, including the relationship between I/T and Australian language policy, federal, state, and private provision of I/T services, and establishment of national standards and a national certification system.
Language Policy: Vancouver's Multicultural Mosaic
Focuses on how recent immigration factors in the urban environment of Vancouver, British Columbia affect language education and policies at the local and provincial levels. Statistical analyses and surveys among teachers and administrators were used to get an overview of these factors to gain insight on language programs and impressions of teacher training programs.
Multiculturalism, Race, and Education
Reports on a telephone survey that examined the extent of support given to multicultural education (MCE) by whites and blacks. Results from 348 respondents found strong support for the concept of MCE, but issues of implementation were more controversial with interracial differences being generally larger than intraracial differences.
Quality Assurance and the South African University System: Defining the Impact of External and Internal Trends on the South African University System and Its Quality
Examines the influence of a number of factors on quality assurance in the South African university system, including a new national system for standardizing training, national quality assurance initiatives, a new proposed role for universities, the shift from a monocultural to a multicultural educational environment, trend toward mass higher education, increased access to education, and a new government-university relationship. (Author/MSE).
Race Equality Policies and Practice: Resources on the Internet, Summer 2002
Presents resources available on the Internet that deal with racial equality policies and practice. Topics include legal requirements in education; institutional racism; community cohesion; diversity; curriculum; national identity; citizenship education; race and identity; suppliers, booksellers, and publishers; links with schools in other countries; refugee education; dealing with bullying and conflict; and language and bilingualism.
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
The Language Situation in Mozambique
Addresses the language situation in post-independent Mozambique from both a language-planning and language-policy perspective. Presents an up-to-date profile of the country, discusses the issue of linguistic diversity, and examines the language-spread dynamics in education, literacy, and the media.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
Unscrambling the Semantics of Canadian Multiculturalism
This paper explores the evolution of multiculturalism in the Canadian context. Some opponents of multiculturalism in Canada detect in the ideology an undermining of a unique Canadian identity in favor of hyphenated Canadians, while proponents see the hyphenation as adding richness and color to the Canadian character.
What the Russian School Ought to Be Like
Asserts that Russian society and Russian schools are going through a profound crisis. Maintains that the best approach to solving social and educational problems is to restore and develop national principles and group cohesion.