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Program Design
A Multicultural Model for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Students: Program for Deaf Adults
This document describes the multicultural Program for Deaf Adults (PDA) at LaGuardia Community College at the City University of New York. The PDA offers a comprehensive education through an extensive variety of both degree and continuing education courses.
A Multicultural Model for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Students: Program for Deaf Adults
This document describes the multicultural Program for Deaf Adults (PDA) at LaGuardia Community College at the City University of New York. The PDA offers a comprehensive education through an extensive variety of both degree and continuing education courses.
A Research Informed Vision of Good Practice in Multicultural Teacher Education: Design Principles
Presents 14 design principles that explain good practice in multicultural preservice teacher education. The principles fall under the three main categories of (1) institutional and programmatic principles, (2) personnel principles, and (3) curriculum and instruction principles.
An Internal Journey of the Heart: Building Community and an Empowerment Model of Graduate Education through Diversity
The concept of the learning community and the transition of both students and teachers to the teaching/learning relationship has become a focus of graduate programs at Heritage College (Toppenish, Washington). The mission of Heritage is to provide quality, accessible higher education to a multicultural population which has been educationally isolated.
Bilingual Education for All: A Benefits Model for Small Towns
Suggests a curriculum for rural and small-town schools that combines bilingual education in local languages (indigenous, heritage, or immigrant languages) with global, multicultural education. Discusses benefits to students and community, and ways that the model overcomes typical rural constraints of inflexible school organization; administrative and public resistance; and lack of bilingual teachers, materials, and funding.
Creating a New Borderland on the Screen
Discusses a research project at the University of Gent (Belgium) that created materials for teaching literature from a European perspective. Concludes that a global revision of the literature course design should be made in which hypertext and multiculturalism play a key role; illustrates with examples of hypermedia applications for "Don Quixote" and "Robinson Crusoe." (AEF).
CurioCity, Developing an "Active Learning" Game
Describes a case study that takes readers through a human-centered design process used in developing an "Active Learning" tool, CurioCity, a game for students in grades 7-10. Attempts to better understand multiculturalism and to bridge formal in-school learning with informal field trip learning.
Preparing Counselors and Therapists: Creating Constructivist and Developmental Programs
Written for those who will educate future counselors and psychotherapists, this book marks out a vision for counselor and psychotherapist training for the postmodern era. The book details specific practices that are grounded in constructivist and developmental principles including approaches to classroom instruction, field supervision, curriculum, admissions, student evaluation, and multicultural awareness.