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Parent Attitudes
Anti-Racist Education Project: A Summary Report on the Extent of Implementation and Changes Found in Wards 11/12 Schools: 1991-92 to 1994-95. No. 223
This report documents how a family of elementary schools in Wards 11 and 12 of the Toronto Board of Education (Ontario, Canada) have carried out their plans for the antiracist education (ARE) mandated by the school board between 1991-92 and 1994-95. Results, based on a variety of data collection methods, reveal areas of accomplishment and challenges still to be met.
Anti-Racist Education Project: A Summary Report on the Extent of Implementation and Changes Found in Wards 11/12 Schools: 1991-92 to 1994-95. No. 223
This report documents how a family of elementary schools in Wards 11 and 12 of the Toronto Board of Education (Ontario, Canada) have carried out their plans for the antiracist education (ARE) mandated by the school board between 1991-92 and 1994-95.
Creating the will; Hispanics achieving educational excellence: A report to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Education and the nation
This report provides data on the current educational condition of Hispanics from early childhood through graduate and professional education. It also offers strategies for multiple sectors, parents, schools, communities, the private sector, and the government, to improve Hispanic educational achievement.
Inclusive Schooling Practices: Pedagogical and Research Foundations: A Synthesis of the Literature that Informs Best Practice About Inclusive Schools
This monograph summarizes the literature base that informs current understanding of the best approaches to support students with disabilities in inclusive settings.
Issues in Shared Schools in Mixed Aboriginal & Non-Aboriginal School Systems
Canada's public schools are essential public goods resources. For children to benefit, parents cooperate in efforts to support and enhance their children's education.
Literacy Learning from a Multicultural Perspective (Literacy Learning Outside the Classroom)
The article finds that many immigrant parents (from China, Iran, and India) and their children oppose diametrically many aspects of emergent literacy. The article discusses major differences in beliefs about teaching and learning related to accuracy/precision, focus of control, assessment/accountability, expectations, and rote memorization.
Paths to Equity: Cultural, Linguistic and Racial Diversity in Canadian Early Childhood Education
Childcare centers in Canada's largest cities frequently have children with family languages other than English or French and who are of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. This three-part study focused on cultural diversity in early childhood education (ECE) settings in Toronto (Ontario), Vancouver (British Columbia), and Montreal (Quebec).
Promoting Additive Acculturation in Schools
A study focusing on 113 ninth graders of Mexican descent indicates that most students and their parents adhere to a strategy of additive acculturation (incorporating skills of the new culture and language), but that the school curriculum and general school climate devalue Mexican culture. (SLD).
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
Schooling and The Silenced "Others": Race and Class in Schools
In education, it is necessary to look at students who are marginalized, and excluded, who is centered or privileged, and how, through academic discourse, silences are created, sustained, and legitimized. The three papers in this collection explore the politics of silencing and voice in education.
Tackling Racism in Our Schools: A Perspective from Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire
Describes the approach taken to address racial discrimination in schools in an area of England that has relatively few minority students. Also describes a brochure that was prepared to alert parents about the existence of racism in the schools, and what they can do about it.
Teachers' Perspectives on Their Work with Families in a Bilingual Community
Reviews research on teacher-parent relations, integrating three teachers' perspectives on their work with families in a bilingual community. Describes observations and interviews with teachers and parents over a school year that offer data for an in-depth analysis of teachers' perspectives on teacher-parent interactions in this setting.
The Academic Achievement of Minority Students: Perspectives, Practices, and Prescriptions
This book presents a collection of papers by educators and researchers who discuss various methods of improving minority student achievement.
The Chula/Fish Creek Connection
Describes a social studies cultural exchange program between a public school and a Canadian native school in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Outlines how the students became mutual inquirers into one another's cultures.
The Culture Wars on Two Fronts: Curriculum and Financing
A college professor who sometimes appears as a guest on a local radio call-in program discussing contemporary higher education, talks about the nature of the changes occurring in the college curriculum and student population, multicultural education, teaching styles and objectives, trends in access to a college education, and the financial crisis facing colleges and universities. (MSE).
The Linguistic Minority Parents' Perceptions of Bilingual Education
A study examined linguistic minority parents' views on bilingual education, motivated by recurrent controversy surrounding public school provision of bilingual education for language minority students. Multiple-choice questionnaires in English and Spanish were answered by 299 Latino parents whose children were enrolled in bilingual education classes at six elementary and four middle schools in the Los Angeles (California) area.
Your Children: Our Schools. A Guide for Korean Parents in New Zealand: Early Childhood Education Services and Primary Schools
This booklet presents information on New Zealand early childhood education services and primary schools specifically for Korean immigrants. The booklet is based on interviews with 30 Korean families who recently decided to settle in New Zealand.