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Hispanic American Culture
"Leyendas" (Legends): Connecting Reading Cross-Culturally
Describes how using the Hispanic tale "La Llorona" can help teachers connect cross-culturally with their students for enhanced literacy instruction. Describes ways "La Llorona" may be used in courses for preservice education majors and in elementary and middle-grade classes.
A Student's Guide to Mexican American Genealogy. Oryx American Family Tree Series
This book provides a step-by-step guide to genealogical research in the United States and Mexico for Mexican Americans. The book also contains information on the history of Mexico and its relationship with the United States.
Beyond the Boundaries of Tradition: Cultural Treasures in a High School Theatre Arts Program
Argues that canonical plays must be critically engaged rather than "handed down," with students discovering much about themselves and each other through their own engagement. Describes how a high-school acting class examined the dramatic work of Latino/a playwrights for their in-class scene work, and used student experiences to create their own scenes about experiences with prejudice.
Creating Culturally Relevant Holiday Curriculum: A Negotiation
Describes the holiday celebration of Dia de los Muertos at Pacific Oaks Children's School in Los Angeles. Considers the decision to celebrate the holiday, preparation for the celebration, its place in the curriculum, its relationship to Halloween, adult conflicts related to personal religious values, children's misunderstanding of the rituals, and conflict maintenance.
Effect of a Multi-Ethnic, Multicultural Program on Student Participants
Describes the impact of a multi-ethnic, multicultural program, designed to immerse students in Mexican culture as a means of combating ignorance of and violence against members of ethnic groups at Fairfield University. Interviews, pretests and post-tests, and participant observations are used to determine whether the training program was responsible for changes in student perceptions and judgments.
Emic and Etic Perspectives on Chicana and Chicano Multicultural Literature
Outlines historical perspectives on Chicano self-definition and identity. Examines emancipation in Chicano literature, and contrasts the ideological positioning of two prominent authors deemed culturally relevant for "Hispanic" students.
From Remedial to Gifted: Effects of Culturally Centered Pedagogy
Describes a culturally relevant Spanish program in a high school that helped native speakers avoid failure due to culturally inappropriate teaching. The class maintained Latino students' native language and increased language fluency by developing thinking, oral, and written Spanish skills.
Getting from the Outside In: Teaching Mexican Americans When You Are an "Anglo."
A midwestern university provides cross-cultural student teaching experiences in a southwestern city with a large Mexican-American population. Features include two classroom placements, a course in multicultural education, and bicultural mentors.
Hispanic-American Students and Learning Style. ERIC Digest
This digest identifies cultural values that may affect the learning processes of Hispanic-American students, reviews research on the learning styles of Hispanic-American students, and discusses the implications of this research for counseling and teaching Hispanic youth. One cultural value that is of paramount importance in most Hispanic cultures is family commitment.
Incorporating Mexican American History and Culture into the Social Studies Classroom
Although Mexican Americans are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States, their history and literature are seldom taught in American classrooms. A study of over 3,000 high school sophomores in the Southwest revealed that neither Anglos nor Hispanics were aware of the contributions of Mexican Americans.
Strength in Diversity: How Well-Managed Cultural Training Programs Can Turn Conflict into Profits
The number of Hispanics entering the workforce between 1992 and 2005 will increase by 64 percent. Cultural diversity training can help companies produce and market products more effectively.
Supporting Teachers To Bridge Cultures for Immigrant Latino Students. A Model for Professional Development
This publication describes a model for faculty development in the area of immigrant Latino students.
The Multicultural Worlds of Pueblo Indian Children's Celebrations
Examines the ways that each of three cultures (Pueblo, Hispanic, and mainstream American) expresses values and beliefs in the celebrations that engage Pueblo children throughout the year. Discusses the secrecy of Pueblo celebrations and the need for educators to use discretion when determining the legitimacy of Pueblo students' absences and sleepiness.
Viva Mexico!
This curriculum presentation outlines how to celebrate five Mexican holidays in the classroom: Cinco de Mayo, Dia de los Muertos, Fiesta, Las Posados, and Three Kings Day. The goal is to help children learn through hands-on activities and real-life experiences.