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Family School Relationship
Annotated Bibliography: Research from the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children's Learning
The mission of the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children s Learning at Johns Hopkins University is to conduct research evaluations and policy analyses, and to produce and disseminate new knowledge about how families, schools, and communities influence students' motivation, learning, and development. This annotated bibliography compiles and annotates research from the Center.
Annotated Bibliography: Research from the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children's Learning
The mission of the Center on Families, Communities, Schools and Children s Learning at Johns Hopkins University is to conduct research evaluations and policy analyses, and to produce and disseminate new knowledge about how families, schools, and communities influence students' motivation, learning, and development.
Celebrating Cultural Diversity: We Are the Children of the World
Describes a series of activities presented at the 1996 Annual Cultural Diversity Celebration. The activities are designed to provide teachers with ideas that focus on family values, traditions, and homes.
Community Update, 2000.
This document consists of ten issues (covering January through December 2000) of the Newsletter, "Community Update," containing articles on community and family involvement in education.
Counseling Muslim Children in School Settings
Describes basic issues regarding the education and counseling of Muslims. Several issues emerged for concern including home/school relations, family values, peer relations and dating, and curriculum problems.
Crossing Boundaries: Multi-National Action Research on Family-School Collaboration. Report No. 33
This report details studies by eight researchers from five countries--Australia, Chile, the Czech Republic, Portugal, and Spain--that examine boundary-crossing issues between teachers and parents, between policies and school reality, between cultures, and between research and practice.
Home-School Liaison. Learning To Live in a Multi-Cultural Society. Final Report of a Series of Workshops Sponsored by the European Commission in 1994. Corp Author(s): National Inst. of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester (England). ; German Adult Education Association, Bonn (Germany). Inst. for International Cooperation
This report addresses the interface between school and home and how this relationship needs to be addressed sensitively and effectively.
Influence of Culture and Home Environment on Science Learning
This paper has the potential for identifying and codifying the home learning environment and parental factors in a unique multicultural setting within Australian schools, and for the establishment of research-based initiatives for more effective collaboration between schools and parents.
Links between Family Life and Minority Student Achievement: Removing the Blinders
Contends that a range of theories exists in the social science literature about the effects of family processes on the social and academic success of a family's offspring. Identifies major theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on families and minority student achievement.
Meeting the Needs of All Children
Encourages Head Start programs to use parental involvement and communication to support multiracial and multiethnic children by listening to parents, providing information, and welcoming the family. Lists specific areas to address in supporting diversity and dealing with common problems.
Moving Marginalized Students Inside the Lines: Cultural Differences in Classrooms
Discusses what the author has learned in her job at an elementary school in Northeast Mississippi as liaison between English-speaking school personnel and Spanish-speaking students and parents, most of whom are recent immigrants from Mexico. Discusses what the author learned, through extensive talking and questioning of students and parents, about how cultural differences affect classroom activities and interaction.
Perceptions of Chicano/Latino Students Who Have Dropped Out of School
Reports on qualitative study of focus group interviews with Chicano/Latinos who had dropped out of school. Responses revealed themes of alienation and discrimination in the school setting.
Reaching All Families: Creating Family-Friendly Schools
Recognizing the critical role parents have in developing their children's learning habits, this booklet offers strategies that focus on ways principals and teachers can communicate with diverse families about: (1) school goals, programs, activities, and procedures; (2) the progress of individual students; and (3) home activities which can improve children's school learning.
Refugee Pupils: A Headteacher's Perspective
Although challenges faced by refugee children in English schools are those faced by all students, theirs are exacerbated by their refugee status. Particular problems are those of student migration, language, culture, home and school relationships, the pastoral aspect of school care, and the need for time to deal with the child as an individual.
Teaching 4- to 8-Year-Olds: Literacy, Math, Multiculturalism, and Classroom Community
The next decade will see a dramatic increase in public finding for programs serving young children. Prekindergarten and early elementary programs will received more scrutiny in line with a growing awareness that school success is heavily influenced by the skills and attitudes children have when they enter school and quality of initial school experiences.
The ABC's Model: Teachers Connect Home and School
Examines how seven European-American teachers implemented a model called the ABC's of Cultural Understanding and Communication (a literacy process to help develop cultural understanding and communication). Describes how teachers and students investigated cultural and ethnic differences through literacy activities that promoted classroom community and home/school connections, an appreciation of diversity, and reading, writing, listening, and speaking across the curriculum.
The Academic Achievement of Minority Students: Perspectives, Practices, and Prescriptions
This book presents a collection of papers by educators and researchers who discuss various methods of improving minority student achievement.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.