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Evaluation Methods
A Computerized Screening Instrument of Language Learnability
This article presents further analyses of a pilot study that examined the effectiveness of a computerized language screening instrument for 60 multicultural children (ages 7-8). Results suggest that because of its computerization and language learnability features, this innovative instrument may be an effective alternative to current screening procedures.
Assessing the Attitudes of Student Teachers toward Issues of Diversity: A Dilemma for Teacher Educators
Explores attitudes and perceptions of 120 student teachers with regard to their ability to implement multicultural education in the student teaching classroom. Results suggest that confusion and ambiguity are present throughout the student teacher education experience.
Assessment of Students with Learning Disabilities: Current Issues and Future Directions
Current issues in the assessment of students with learning disabilities are identified, including use of physiological and neuropsychological measures, discrepancy criteria, curriculum-based measurement, dynamic assessment, performance and portfolio assessment, and assessment of learning disabilities in bilingual and multicultural contexts. (Author/DB).
Communicating Appropriately with Asian and Pacific Islander Audiences. Technical Assistance Bulletin
Developing culturally appropriate prevention messages and materials for Asian and Pacific Islander audiences is challenging. It is important to recognize and respect their geographic, ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, social, and linguistic diversity.
Help or Hindrance? Staff Perspectives on Developmental Assessment in Multicultural Early Childhood Settings
Thirty-five staff members' views on developmental assessment in a multicultural early childhood setting are described and used to initiate a critique of current practice in assessment of young children. Staff expressed a range of opinions from endorsement to frank rejection of the utility, validity, and ethics of developmental assessment.
Portfolio Assessment and Special Education Students
The potential of portfolio assessment in special education is addressed, including its value in displaying authentic tasks, a listing of potential portfolio items, advantages of portfolio assessment, possible problems, examples from special education, case studies, and guidelines for developing and using portfolios.
Restructuring the General Studies Program at a Public Urban University: Assessment, Evaluation, and Implementation. AIR 2000 Annual Forum Paper
This study presents a process used to assess the general education component of the undergraduate curriculum, focusing particularly on the components of the methodology that provided the data used to suggesting changes in the program. The study was undertaken at an urban institution with an undergraduate population of 6,000, and involved analysis of graduates' transcripts to examine course sequence and compliance with university policy on course sequence enrollment, analysis of syllabi, a course audit questionnaire set to faculty, development of an academic profile of students, and a survey of faculty and staff.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 2000 (Journal of Educational Research, 2000)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: teacher evaluation and quality management in education.
Seeing Schools Through New Lenses: A Qualitative Approach to Observing in Schools
This paper reports the development and evaluation of an observation guide that draws on qualitative techniques of participant observation and semistructured interviewing to help anyone interested in visiting and understanding schools to develop a ”big picture” profile quickly and efficiently.
Seeing Schools Through New Lenses: A Qualitative Approach to Observing in Schools
This paper reports the development and evaluation of an observation guide that draws on qualitative techniques of participant observation and semistructured interviewing to help anyone interested in visiting and understanding schools to develop a ”big picture” profile quickly and efficiently. The guide reflects the philosophy of E.
The Pacific Lutheran University - Head Start Systemic Classroom Observation Tool
Head Start classroom observations are an integral part of providing high-quality services to families and children while supporting staff. All too often, however, this opportunity to enhance services and solve problems is viewed either as an evaluation of staff or as a "rubber stamp" to meet funding requirements.
The Preservice Education of Teachers for Student Diversity: An Analysis of the Special Education Empirical Literature
This monograph analyzes the empirical literature on multicultural teacher education. The first section summarizes the existing literature in general education and points out strengths and weaknesses.