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A Somatic Epistemology for Education
Philosophers of education need a methodology for ensuring that what they teach does not contain cultural evils. What is needed is a criterion by which cultural practices can be evaluated so that educators know what to teach.
Embracing Diversity
Illustrates integration of multiculturalism into science curriculum and instruction and outlines the principles that should be reflected in multicultural science classrooms. Offers strategies for science teachers in developing science programs, shaping classroom climate, and using learning styles.
For Knowledge: Tradition, Progressivism and Progress in Education--Reconstructing the Curriculum Debate
Draws on realist theories of knowledge and epistemologies in the philosophy of science in order to argue that databases around the English school curriculum would benefit from such approaches. Reviews ways that knowledge has been conceived as social in educational thinking.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
Leaders of Color as Catalysts for Community Building in a Multicultural Society
Presents a vision of multicultural education as a validating and inclusive process for non-European ways of knowing. Classifies multicultural education as inclusionary, emancipatory, liberatory, critical, and transformative.
Native American Perspectives
On the Fajada Butte in New Mexico, 11th-century Anasazi constructed a site that marks the high and low points of the orbits of the sun and the moon. This unit on astronomy challenges students to think differently about the moon and about the ability of native people to understand the natural world.
New Perspectives on Multiculturalism in Education
Advocates moving multicultural education beyond ethnic awareness into a more theoretical and constructive phase. Argues for incorporating epistemological theories regarding the subjectivity of knowledge with an awareness of the interdependence of different cultures.
Towards a Multicultural Society: Bringing Postmodernism into the Classroom
Asserts that western civilization's belief in the differentiation between object and subject impedes a true multicultural discourse. Praises the postmodernist approach, that self-evident reality is actually a politically constructed text, as being useful in identifying subjectivity.
Whose World Is It, Anyway? Multicultural Science from Diverse Perspectives
Reviews three books that argue that science education should reflect global scientific contributions, use multicultural and feminist perspectives, and be grounded in everyday life experiences with science. Suggests questions of policy and practice in moving from theory to implementation of a more equitable, socially responsible science education.