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English Teacher Education
Curriculum, Identity, and Experience in Multicultural Teacher Education
Reports on the initial stages of an ongoing action-research project in multicultural teacher education. Viewing curriculum as the creation of culturally significant domains for conversation, the project inquired into how a secondary English-methods course centered on issues of cultural diversity and emerging professional identities was taken up by predominantly white, middle-class students.
Emic and Etic Perspectives on Chicana and Chicano Multicultural Literature
Outlines historical perspectives on Chicano self-definition and identity. Examines emancipation in Chicano literature, and contrasts the ideological positioning of two prominent authors deemed culturally relevant for "Hispanic" students.
Keeping It Real: Teaching and Learning about Culture, Literacy, and Respect
Describes one teacher education program designed to broaden students' thinking about the influences of culture in society, and teaching and learning about literacy. Offers an "unromanticized glimpse" into the lives of teacher education students as they struggle to come to terms with their transformation as literacy educators preparing to teach literacy in multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual classrooms of the 21st century.
Preparing English Teachers To Teach Diverse Student Populations: Beliefs, Challenges, Proposals for Change
Argues a need for in-depth consideration of principles and practices to prepare teachers for classrooms they will face in the future. Notes problems created by the disparity between increasing student diversity and their overwhelmingly white, female English/language arts teachers.