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Educational Innovation
Action Research Teams: A Means to Transform Teaching and Empower Underrepresented Students in the University Classroom
This paper describes the Action Research (AR) Team model for joining classroom observations with collegial interaction among university faculty, teaching assistants, and university students to improve pedagogy and the retention of diverse students in higher education. The paper includes a progress report of efforts to develop the model and apply it on a pilot basis at New Mexico State University.
Continuity and Reform: A New Discourse for Discussion of Change in Schools
Reforms are a series of beginnings and endings to disconnected events in discussions of school change. However, changes in education are interrelated and can be more effective when viewed accordingly.
Effects of a Hands-on Multicultural Education Program: A Model for Student Learning
Describes the Center for Human Origin and Cultural Diversity program that is a model for multicultural education in which students learn about the human fossil record, the value of biological variation, and the characteristics common to all humans. Presents results from a study that support the use of this program.
Getting to scale with good educational practices
"School organization and incentive structures help thwart large-scale adoption of innovative educational practices. Evidence from the progressive movement and past curriculum reform efforts suggest that wide-scale reforms are ineffective under current conditions.
Inclusion and School Reform: Transforming America’s Classrooms
This book examines the education of students with disabilities in the United States based on three historical stages: (1) the exclusion of these students from public schooling by law or regulation; (2) the institution of formal programs for schooling based on judicial and/or legislative requirements; and (3) progress toward defining the nature of inclusive policies and practices in public education.
Innovative Programs To Insure Diversity in Public Education
At Armstrong Atlantic State University a number of programs have been developed in collaboration with the University System of Georgia and the Savannah-Chatham County Public School District to increase cultural diversity in the classroom and to focus on creating a diverse population of successful learners that mirrors the cultural diversity of the community.
No Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
By 1993, New York City's multicultural and innovative Children of the Rainbow curriculum had been discontinued and the education chancellor fired. This article examines the curriculum's development and implementation and the controversies surrounding it.
School Reform and Student Diversity
Case studies of eight exemplary schools demonstrate that language-minority students can learn the same academic curriculum as native English speakers while pursuing English literacy. Common school characteristics include a schoolwide vision of excellence, creation of a community of learners engaged in active discovery, and well-designed, carefully executed language-development programs.
The Multicultural Science Framework: Research on Innovative Two-Way Immersion Science Classrooms
Reviews the different approaches to multicultural science teaching that have emerged in the past decade, focusing on the Spanish-English two-way immersion classroom, which meets the needs of Spanish speakers learning English and introduces students to the idea of collaboration across languages and cultures. Two urban two-way immersion classrooms in Texas and New York are described.
Towards a Multicultural Society: Bringing Postmodernism into the Classroom
Asserts that western civilization's belief in the differentiation between object and subject impedes a true multicultural discourse. Praises the postmodernist approach, that self-evident reality is actually a politically constructed text, as being useful in identifying subjectivity.