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College Faculty
A Student Programmer's Guide to Developing Multicultural Activities at Community Colleges
Ten steps to success in multicultural campus-activities programming are outlined: seek new perspectives; learn issues and terminology; learn how the three stages of diversity apply to programming; build alliances with other student groups; co-sponsor events; build bridges with faculty; include educational components in programs; be creative; reach out to the community; and seek help from professionals. (MSE).
AAHE Bulletin, 1998-99
The 10 issues of this organizational journal provide news columns, calls for proposals, conference information, and several major articles.
Accent Discrimination: Implications for the Multicultural Educational Institution of the 21st Century
Based on litigation patterns, discrimination because of accent occurs most frequently in colleges and universities, particularly in the classroom. Accent discrimination cases are unlike other employment discrimination cases because successful claims generally do not depend on qualifications, but on accent's effect on job performance.
Fact Book, 1996-97.
This report contains a series of tables and charts that provide answers to frequently asked questions about the university, as well as historical data for the previous ten years.
Faculty Experience with Diversity: A Case Study of Macalester College
This study tested the belief that domestic racial/ethnic diversity in the classroom contributes to the preparation of students for civic responsibility, focusing on Macalester College, a small liberal arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Macalester has committed significant resources to fulfilling its goals of multicultural recruitment and support of talented students, faculty, and staff of color and to establishing classes that reflect the range of social, artistic, scientific, and philosophical experiences of people nationwide.
Forces Motivating Institutional Reform. ERIC Digest
This digest provides an overview of forces, both internal and external, driving change on community college campuses.
Overcoming Silences: Comment on "Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices."
Explores ways teacher educators can create learning spaces in their classrooms that may initiate explorations of self, beliefs, ideologies, and practice that embrace the diversity of all students. (SLD).
Poll Confirms That Americans Want Diversity on Campuses
A recent Ford Foundation national survey found that 71% of Americans think diversity education does more to bring Americans together than drive them apart. Two-thirds felt colleges and universities should take explicit steps to ensure student body diversity; three-fourths want to ensure faculty diversity.
Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics
This collection of essays by college instructors who teach in the humanities, social sciences, science, and education, addresses the challenges faced by professors who believe that teaching responsibly requires an honest examination of race.
Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics
This collection of essays by college instructors who teach in the humanities, social sciences, science, and education, addresses the challenges faced by professors who believe that teaching responsibly requires an honest examination of race.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1998 (Journal of Educational Research, 1998). Corp Author(s): Interuniversity Association for Experimental Pedagogical Investigation, Barcelona (Spain)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: specialized research; methodological challenges; establishment of a categorization system for sociometric analysis and its application in the multicultural classroom.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1998 (Journal of Educational Research, 1998). Corp Author(s): Interuniversity Association for Experimental Pedagogical Investigation, Barcelona (Spain)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: specialized research; methodological challenges; establishment of a categorization system for sociometric analysis and its application in the multicultural classroom.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
The Chicago Handbook for Teachers: A Practical Guide to the College Classroom
This book is designed to offer practical advice to beginning, as well as experienced, teachers of college courses on navigating many of the common challenges faced both in and outside the classroom.
University of Rhode Island Fact Book, 1997-98. Corp Author(s): Rhode Island Univ., Kingston
This 10th edition of the University of Rhode Island Fact Book is part of a continuing effort to record and provide pertinent information about the university to its community. The Fact Book provides answers to frequently asked questions about the university and presents an historical perspective by including data that describe the university for the 10-year period 1987-97.
University of Rhode Island Fact Book, 1998-99.
This 11th edition of the University of Rhode Island Fact Book is part of a continuing effort to record and provide pertinent information about the university to its community. The Fact Book provides answers to frequently asked questions about the university and presents an historical perspective by including data that describe the university for the 10-year period 1988-98.
Whites Trashing Whites: Multiculturalism's Liberal Guilt Trip
Presents the opinions of a white, male literature professor who attended a conference of college writing teachers and was distressed because the overwhelmingly white audience listened quietly as speakers used the platform to identify whites as oppressors of minorities and linguistic imperialists. The paper questions the view that Standard English usage oppresses minorities.
Women of Color: Perspectives within the Profession
To effectively interact with their students, leaders and teachers in sport and physical activity must be familiar with their students' cultural backgrounds. This collection of articles discusses how women of color deal with and have been affected by their racial and ethnic identities in relationship to physical activity and sport.