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Bayanihan: Providing Effective Counseling Strategies with Children of Filipino Ancestry
Provides a psychocultural profile for persons of Filipino ancestry so as to increase awareness, understanding, and sensitivity for the mental health needs of these youth, from primary school to college. Discusses the implications of these cultural factors and presents suggestions for counseling this diverse population.
Children of War: A Curriculum
Emphasizes the importance of examining the position of children in war as they provide insight into the conflicts themselves that cannot be attained elsewhere. Presents a secondary curriculum entitled "Children of War" designed to promote an understanding of the phenomenon of children in war from multiple perspectives, including sociocultural, historical, and personal.
Collaborative Interventions for Assisting Students with Acquired Brain Injuries in School
Brain injury is a leading cause of disability in students. These students will need support throughout their school career.
Counseling Interventions for Students Who Have Mild Disabilities
Reviews characteristics, problems, and needs of students with mild disabilities. The role of counselors' attitudes and behaviors, and the need for special training in assisting these students are discussed.
Educating for the 21st Century: Beyond Racist, Sexist, and Ecologically Violent Futures
Discusses resources of hope in educating for the 21st century, arguing the importance of active listening to children's voices and resistance to fatalistic fallacies regarding negative trends. The discussion examines principles from critical futurism and contemporary movements of educational innovation (including peace, multicultural, nonsexist, and environmental education) and discusses how schools are sites of possibility for encouraging alternatives to violence.
Educating the Arab American Child: Implications for Teachers
This article presents relevant information about Arab American children as a guide for multicultural teachers. Given the alarming impact of cultural conditioning in American society, the previously invisible Arab Americans and their children have become visible in a negative way.
Engaging Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families and Children
Describes a practice model that school social workers can use when helping culturally diverse families. Model emphasizes the importance of building a perspective for understanding culture and presents a framework for cross-cultural practice that includes some basic skills for effective transactions.
ERIC/EECE Report: Character Education
Summarizes recent ERIC documents in early childhood education and related areas. Topics include the integrated character education model, conflicts and prospects of character education in multicultural education, and the role of the schools in character education.
Future Directions with Troubled Children
A leader in the education of troubled children identifies issues for the future. They include: (1) recognizing emotional and behavior disorders as a disability; (2) enhancing multicultural education with knowledge about commonalties; and (3) basing practices on scientific knowledge.
Images of Black Females in Children's/Adolescent Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Examines the messages transmitted to black girls through books for children and adolescents commonly introduced in school. Concludes that children's and adolescents' books do reflect a trickle-down effect of images of black females and poor white females that appear in adult books and films.
Mexican American Children's Ethnic Pride and Internalized Racism. JSRI Occasional Paper No. 41. Latino Studies Series
Nearly 100 Mexican American children and adolescents in grades 2-12 were interviewed in central Texas to determine their understanding of ethnicity and their attitudes toward their own ethnicity. Their responses were interpreted in relation to a developmental model with five stages or "perspectives" in reasoning about ethnicity.
Multicultural Counseling Competencies as Tools to Address Oppression and Racism
The background, rationale, and framework of the multicultural competencies documents are discussed. Central concepts include development of awareness of personal assumptions, values, and biases; understanding the worldview of the culturally different client; and developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
Photo Essays of American Indian Children
Provides an annotated bibliography of photo essays about Native American children, including some examples from the indigenous populations of Latin America. Most have been written by "outsiders," and most are intended to show non-Native children about native cultures.
Psychogenic Dissociation in Childhood: The Role of the Counseling Psychologist
Reviews the literature on psychogenic dissociative disorders in children so as to highlight the unique characteristics and needs of this population. Discusses three central ideas, such as the role of the counseling psychologist in the research, assessment and treatment of dissociatively disordered children, and emphasizes contributions counseling psychologists can make.
Reducing Racism in Schools: Moving beyond Rhetoric
Addresses the problems of racism in schools and reviews the historical and contemporary context of the policies and programs to reduce it. Discusses obstacles and challenges to implementing effective antiracist policies and programs.
Structured Racism, Sexism, and Elitism: A Hound That "Sure Can Hunt" (The Chronicity of Oppression)
The author recounts personal experiences with socio-politically structured racism, especially in education and religion; and the growth gained in confronting this nemesis. A career ranging from pastor to counselor to counselor educator has brought understanding of the link between religion, education, and counseling and a commitment to multicultural counseling.