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Academic Achievement
Academic success in classroom behavior in secondary schools.
Reported were data on the classroom functioning of 602 high school students attending eight different urban ghetto schools, including assessments of reasoning ability, verbal productivity, original and independent thinking, anxiety, rapport, obstreperousness, negativism, withdrawal, and expression of inability to cope with achievement demands.
Carter v. Florence County School District No. 4
Constructing cultural difference and educational achievement in schools
This volume presents an overview of current anthropological thinking on the education of minority students, bringing the perspectives of educational anthropology to bear on understanding minority education and resolving its inequities. At the core of the book are some papers from an invited session of the American Anthropological Association in 1985, supplemented by other discussions from the same area.
Creating the will; Hispanics achieving educational excellence: A report to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Education and the nation
This report provides data on the current educational condition of Hispanics from early childhood through graduate and professional education. It also offers strategies for multiple sectors, parents, schools, communities, the private sector, and the government, to improve Hispanic educational achievement.
Curricular Modifications, Family Outreach, and a Mentoring Program: Impacts on Achievement and Gifted Identification in High-Risk Primary Students
A study investigated the efficacy of specific interventions (mentoring, parental involvement, and multicultural curricula) on academic achievement of 273 elementary students from low-socioeconomic environments. The interventions had no statistically significant effect on student achievement in any grade.
Educative Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance
"(Excerpt from Preface of book) This book presents a rationale for learning-centered assessment in our schools and an overview of the tools, techniques, and issues that educators should consider as they design and use assessments focused on learner needs. It argues that we need a different kind of student assessment than the one most schools now use.
Extracurricular Participation and Academic Achievement in Minority Students in Urban Schools
Restructured extracurricular activities are a component in many of the proposed solutions for the educational problems of minority students in urban schools. This study investigates the relationships between participation in traditional extracurricular activities and the academic achievement levels of minority male and female students in poor urban schools.
Follow-up of children from academic and cognitive preschool curricula at age 9.
This study reports on cognitive, academic, and social outcomes at age 9 years for a group of 141 children who participated in two highly contrasting early intervention programs, mediated learning (ML) and direct instruction (DI). Consistent with results at the end of intervention, no main-effect differences between the two groups were obtained.
Hope for urban education: A study of nine high-performing, high-poverty, urban elementary schools.
This report tells the stories of nine urban elementary schools that served children of color in poor communities and achieved impressive academic results. All of the schools used federal Title I dollars to create Title I school wide programs.
Hope for urban education: A study of nine high-performing, high-poverty, urban elementary schools.
This report tells the stories of nine urban elementary schools that served children of color in poor communities and achieved impressive academic results. All of the schools used federal Title I dollars to create Title I school wide programs.
Investment in teacher quality pays off
Reveals that teacher quality is the variable that most influences student achievement in the United States.
Parenting and Children’s School Achievement: A Multiethnic Perspective
This study is an examination of the relations between parenting and the school performance of fourth- and fifth-grade children in Asian-American, Latino, and European-American families. Five aspects of parenting were studied: (a) expectations for children’s educational attainment, (b) grade expectations, (c) basic childrearing beliefs (i.e., development of autonomy, development of conformity to external standards, and importance of monitoring children’s activities), (d) self-reported behaviors (i.e., creating an academically enriching environment and helping with homework), and (e) perceptions of parental efficacy.
Parenting and Children’s School Achievement: A Multiethnic Perspective
This study is an examination of the relations between parenting and the school performance of fourth- and fifth-grade children in Asian-American, Latino, and European-American families.
Professional development schools: A balanced wheel makes it better for everyone
Discusses the collaborative efforts of a team of elementary school and university educators working within the context of a professional development school (PDS) to foster culturally responsible pedagogy, inspire reflective practice, and enhance student performance. Concludes that the PDS experience increases teacher effectiveness and accountability.
Raising Expectations To Improve Student Learning
The issue of low teacher expectations of students is addressed, bearing in mind that any effort to address low teacher expectations for students that does not address the broader issue of school change will fail. The first section of the monograph explores the relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement.
Report on the Status of Implementation of Education That Is Multicultural in Maryland. Corp Author(s): Maryland State Board of Education, Baltimore
This report tracks the 1997-98 state and local progress in implementing Maryland Education That Is Multicultural (ETM) Regulations adopted by the Maryland State Board of Education (MSDE) in 1994.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1999 (Journal of Educational Research, 1999).
Articles in this volume, written in Spanish, focus on the following: intellectual style and academic performance; an explanatory integrated model of academic goals, learning strategies, and academic performance; a comparative situational study of drug addiction; early childhood depression and academic performance.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1999 (Journal of Educational Research, 1999).
Articles in this volume, written in Spanish, focus on the following: intellectual style and academic performance; an explanatory integrated model of academic goals, learning strategies, and academic performance; a comparative situational study of drug addiction; early childhood depression and academic performance: a comparative study of patients and controls, and many others.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1999 (Journal of Educational Research, 1999).
In this volume, articles are written in Spanish, focusing on Educational Research, Academic Achievement,Cognitive Style,Cultural Pluralismon the following: intellectual style and academic performance.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance, Comments from Darling-Hammond.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress; Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance; Comments from Darling-Hammond.
The black schools.
Describes the relevance of the High School & Beyond data set for educational researchers in the United States. Similarities and differences between black schools and white schools on ethnic segregation, facilities, financing, teacher composition, teacher quality, curriculum, school discipline, and educational achievement.
The State of Students of Color, 2001
This report reviews the educational experiences of students of color in Minnesota schools, colleges, and universities, highlighting students and communities of color; students of color K-12 enrollments; students of color K-12 achievement; students of color college success; early college awareness; and redefining success for students of color.