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Correlates of Self-Reported Multicultural Competencies: Counselor Multicultural Social Desirability, Race, Social Inadequacy, Locus of Control Racial Ideology, and Multicultural Training

Multicultural counseling competencies of university counseling center staff (N=176) were assessed. A one-model multiple regression analysis using a four-step forced entry method accounted for 34% of the variability. Variables are placed in order of influence. Minority scores varied from white counselors; multicultural competencies increased with training. Results are discussed. (Author/EMK)

  • Author/Creator: Sodowsky, Gargi Roysircar, Kuo-Jackson, Phoebe Y., Richardson, Melissa Frey, Corey, Amy Tiongson
  • Date Published: Jul
  • Journal/Secondary Title: Journal of Counseling Psychology
  • Number: 3
  • Volume: 45
  • Year: 1998

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