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"Sex", "Race" and Multiculturalism: Critical Consumption and the Politics of Course Evaluations
Calls attention to the difficulties of broaching issues of "race" and "sex" in the classroom context of nationwide calls for multiculturalism. Discusses the current politics surrounding the importance of student course evaluations, and presents strategies for making evaluations more useful in the context of courses that include controversial material.
"Talking Race" in the College Classroom: The Role of Social Structures and Social Factors in Race Pedagogy
This article examines the role of race in the college classroom. Two types of college institutions in which the author has had personal teaching experience are examined.
A Dialogue About Race and Ethnicity in Education: Struggling To Understand Issues in Cross-Cultural Leadership
A dialogic approach explores some of the complex issues related to race and ethnicity to identify implications for more effective cross-cultural leadership in diverse schools. Revisited field notes, as well as data from interviews and surveys from various research projects, provide the background about the difficulties of understanding race and ethnicity across different school settings and among educators with different perspectives.
Correlates of Self-Reported Multicultural Competencies: Counselor Multicultural Social Desirability, Race, Social Inadequacy, Locus of Control Racial Ideology, and Multicultural Training
Multicultural counseling competencies of university counseling center staff (N=176) were assessed. A one-model multiple regression analysis using a four-step forced entry method accounted for 34% of the variability.
Education. CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines. Women in the Curriculum Series
This collection of four essays examines the ways in which education, as a discipline, currently reflects ongoing scholarship on gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation. In "Teacher Education and Multicultural Education: Research, Students, and Teaching" Carl A.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Models of Multiculturalism: Enhancing Immediacy and Relevance When Teaching Cultural Diversity
Considers today's students the "postguilt generation." Proposes that teachers reconsider the way that students are exposed to issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality, creating class activities that allow students to experience the boundaries and definitions of identity. Presents three models of classroom activities.
Using the New Racial Categories in the 2000 Census: A KIDS COUNT/PRB Report on Census 2000
This report addresses issues that data users will face in using, interpreting, and presenting new data on race from the 2000 census, which allowed multiple racial responses. Changing how the census collects data on race is not new.