part of the Education Reform Networks
A Career Odyssey. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education/International Vocational Education and Training Association (74th, San Diego, California, December 7-10, 2000). Business Education Division
These six papers present sound research in business education. "Status of Full- and Part-Time Business Faculty at Two-Year College and Perceived Importance of Selected Professional Services" (Marcia A. Anderson, Sharon Resch) reports full-time faculty received more professional services, and part-time faculty valued professional services differently. "Engineering Professionals: Their Need for Computer Keyboarding Competency" (Deborah K. Ryker, Marcia Anderson) finds over three-fourths of university engineering graduates indicated computer keyboarding skills were not a prerequisite for their work position; most found computer keyboarding skills improved their work productivity substantially or some; and the majority felt these skills should be required. "Early Field Experience: One Approach to Contextual Teaching and Learning" (Wanda L. Stitt-Gohdes) reports research that supports inclusion of extensive early field experiences in business education preservice programs because they provide a context where students observe the extent to which current teachers make a connection between school- and work-based learning. "Issues of Multicultural Education: Attitudes of Business and Marketing Education Teachers" (Elaine Adams, Helen C. Hall) indicates teachers tended to reflect positive attitudes about the multicultural issues raised. "Advising Challenging in Cyberspace" (Barbara Pevoto) recommends providing students with an advising model geared to online instruction at the university level. "The Effect of Different Methods of Forming Groups on Student Performance in a Business Communication Course" (Michael L. McDonald, Cheryl D. Wiedmaier) finds no statistically significant difference in student performance when groups were formulated by the student participants or by the instructor based on differences in participants' declared majors. (YLB)
Author/Creator: Wilkinson, Kelly S.
Date Published: 12-00
Notes: Connect to the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Document (RIE)
021 Collected Works--Proceedings
EDRS: EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.
Year: 2000
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