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A Career Odyssey. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education/International Vocational Education and Training Association (74th, San Diego, California, December 7-10, 2000). Business Education Division
These six papers present sound research in business education. "Status of Full- and Part-Time Business Faculty at Two-Year College and Perceived Importance of Selected Professional Services" (Marcia A.
East Meets West: Using Multi-Cultural Groupwork to Develop the Cross-Cultural Capability of Tomorrow's International Managers
Increasing globalization of business means that those educating tomorrow's managers must prioritize the development of cross-cultural capability. Presents a case study of a British international business program at one university that successfully used multicultural groupwork for this purpose.
Globalisation, Effectiveness and Improvement
This paper reports principally on two studies, prompted by research on school effectiveness in the United States and England, which indicate globalization is beginning to affect school improvement. The first study cites case studies of two schools--from working-class, multi-ethnic, poorly educated areas of Singapore and London--to determine if these schools can be validly compared, and if so, to point out how these schools can learn from each other.
It's Elementary: Special Topics in Elementary Education
As elementary teachers work to educate and meet the needs of the students in their care, their job has become increasingly challenging and demanding. This volume addresses a variety of issues and topics related to elementary education around eight sectional themes relevant to the work of elementary teachers: celebrating diversity, classroom configurations, reading revisited, writing world, content connections, todays classroom, artistic avenues, and assessment alternatives.
Multi-Tasking in Science: Meeting the Challenge of Change
Explains the multitasking approach to instruction and how it fits to a diverse student population. Focuses on one such program for high school science students in North Carolina.
Multicultural Education. Theory to Practice
Teachers from two urban elementary schools completed surveys about their multicultural education practices. The surveys examined demographics, content integration, instructional and grouping practices, and parent-community involvement practices.
The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 1996. A Journal of the New York State Reading Association
Sharing concerns and interests of New York State educators in the improvement of literacy, this annual journal raises educational issues such as current thoughts about literacy instruction, educators' roles, literacy in its many forms, college-community literacy partnerships, and recommended reading materials.
The Unz/Tuchman "English for Children" Initiative: A New Attack on Immigrant Children and the Schools
Criticizes the Unz/Tuchman "English for Children" initiative (R. Unz) a proposal that would place limited-English-speaking children in California together, regardless of age or academic abilities, for one year of intensive English instruction and no instruction in academic subjects before returning them to regular classes.