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Teaching Experience
"The Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing in the World" by Claudia Zaslavsky. Book Review
Argues for the place of mathematical literacy in a just society, and examines the value of the reform movement in mathematics education toward multiculturalism and whole language from the experience of a fifth-grade teacher of mathematics. Critically examines classroom activities suggested by Zaslavsky's book in terms of appropriateness for achieving the goals of a multicultural curriculum.
A Multicultural Education Experience: The Importance of Process
Discusses issues and problems in the development and implementation of multicultural education programs, focusing on how a group of educators sought to help early childhood teachers deal with the increasing number of intergroup conflicts among their pupils. These educators developed a multicultural education resource book.
A Real Challenge: Teaching Latino Culture to White Students
Cultural studies courses offered to undergraduate students of foreign languages tend to rely on canonical works that avoid sociopolitical perspectives and present the culture of the "Other" within the dominant world view. There is an urgent need to move from these traditional curricula to more engaging programs that capture the challenging postmodern articulations between language, culture, and social narratives.
Reflections on the Challenges, Possibilities, and Perplexities of Preparing Preservice Teachers for Culturally Diverse Classrooms
Describes one professor's personal struggle and growth in facing the challenges and perplexities of planning and developing strategies to initiate the critical process of teaching multicultural concepts to teacher education students early in their education by providing them field experiences in urban schools. Student attitudes and attitude changes are discussed.
Turning Sunshine into Noir and Fantasy into Reality: Los Angeles in the Classroom
At the University of Delaware, an interdisciplinary college course called "LA.: City of the Angels" incorporated history, political theory, film studies, and literature. The course aimed to deepen student awareness of diversity by deconstructing Hollywood images of Los Angeles and examining the interconnections between regional stereotypes and cultural and racial prejudice.