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Educational Psychology
Integrating Multimedia Multicultural Materials into an Educational Psychology Course
Reports a case study of students' reactions to a multicultural unit that incorporated computer software, videodiscs, videotape, and print media in an undergraduate educational psychology course. Many students believed the multicultural unit increased their understanding of cultural differences and recognized the need to learn how to deal effectively with cultural diversity in their classrooms.
Preparing Counselors and Therapists: Creating Constructivist and Developmental Programs
Written for those who will educate future counselors and psychotherapists, this book marks out a vision for counselor and psychotherapist training for the postmodern era. The book details specific practices that are grounded in constructivist and developmental principles including approaches to classroom instruction, field supervision, curriculum, admissions, student evaluation, and multicultural awareness.
Research on Multiculturalism Applied to Students' Learning School Science: Some Theoretical Issues
This paper reviews research with a focus on looking at the differences between research taken on by those who see themselves primarily as science educators/science education researchers, and those who conduct research on science education from the perspective of a particular discipline such as psychology or sociology.