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part of the Education Reform Networks

Tomorrow's schools of education: A report of the Holmes Group

Among the challenges are the following: the education school's curriculum should focus on the learning needs of the young and development of educators at various stages of their careers; university faculties should include teachers, practitioners, and other individuals who are at home working in public schools; programs that prepare school personnel and teacher educators need to actively recruit, retain, and graduate a more ethnically diverse student body; faculty and students in schools of education should work predominantly in professional development schools rather than on college campuses; education schools should join together to form an interconnecting set of networks at local, state, regional, and national levels to ensure better work and accountability.

  • Author/Creator: Holmes Group
  • Author's address: The Holmes Group 201 Erickson Hall East Lansing, MI 48824-1034
  • Notes: Earlier related reports by the Holmes Group include "Tomorrow's Teachers: A Report of the Holmes Group" (ED 270 454) and "Tomorrow's Schools: Principles for the Design of the Professional Development School" (ED 328 533).
  • Publisher: Author
  • Year: 1995

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