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College School Cooperation
An assessment framework for professional development schools: Going beyond the leap of faith
Discusses the challenges in assessing Professional Development School (PDS) impacts, noting examples of assessments from the literature. The paper outlines a conceptual framework for assessment and explains how it may help organize more systematic thinking about PDS evaluation.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Changing the way we do our business: One department's story of collaboration with public schools.
This article describes the efforts of the University of South Florida's Department of Special Education to change its approach to educating special education teachers, by making a total commitment to align its work with public schools in developing a network of Professional Development Schools to reflect a collaborative model of training and research.
Collaborative action research projects: Enhancing teacher development in professional developmnet schools
Investigated how collaborative action research projects affected five pre-service teachers' professional development while working with on-site teacher educators within a Professional Development School.
Effective Professional Development Schools. Agenda for Education in a Democracy Series. Volume 3
This book presents a theoretical basis for Professional Development Schools (PDSs) as well as practical guidance for establishing, funding, and evaluating them. It offers a comprehensive view of the role that PDSs play in today's educational renewal efforts and insights about the potential that a quality PDS can bring to learning at many levels.
Increasing Teacher Diversity by Tapping the Paraprofessional Pool
To increase the representation of people of color in teaching, the potential candidate pool must expand beyond those who are likely to attend college. Paraprofessional school personnel, who typically are from minority groups, constitute a ready source for increasing the supply of diverse teachers.
It's about People: A Successful School/University Partnership
Utah State University and a rural elementary school attended by Navajos cooperated on a science education program for grades 4-6. The program used take-home science kits; field trips; parental input; and Navajo staff, language, and culture to make the program culturally relevant.
Making professional development schools work:
This book has 11 chapters organized into 3 parts. The chapters are based on following key ideas:College School Cooperation, Partnerships in Education, Professional Development Schools,Teacher Education Programs, Professional Education and Development.
Navigating through Uncharted Territory: The Tensions and Promise of PDS Partnerships
One of five articles in the section on the "Promise and Purpose of Professional Development Schools," this article examines challenges that arise when preservice teacher education occurs mainly within professional development schools (PDS). Suggests that for PDS to promote reform, partners must set aside preconceived notions and share in decision making regarding all aspects of PDS.
Opening Doors with Informal Science: Exposure and Access for Our Underserved Students
The Young Scholars Program at The Ohio State University is a 6-year pre-collegiate intervention program designed to prepare academically talented, economically disadvantaged minority students for college education. This study describes the success of this effort to reshape the traditional presentation of agriculture.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Professional development school partnerships: Reflections and perspectives
Reflects on the roles and responsibilities of four key educators involved in a Professional Development School (PDS): a university faculty member, a middle school principal, a middle school teacher who is also an adjunct professor, and another middle school teacher. The paper reflects on the Holmes Group concept at work.
Professional Development School Trade-Offs in Teacher Preparation and Renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Professional development schools: Looking ahead
Speculates on the future of Professional Development Schools (PDSs), examining: the Holmes Group's beginning vision of PDSs; PDS progress; persistent problems; the vision of learning and learning to teach; the role of the university at large; the structures of schools and PDSs; teachers' roles; recent enabling trends; and a primary purpose for PDSs.
Reflections on Multicultural Language Practices across a District and within a School
Describes the school climate, the building-level specifics, and some effective teaching strategies that make Western Hills Elementary School an appropriate and successful setting for the development of multicultural language practices. Discusses the partnership between the school district and the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the role this partnership plays in supporting the development of multicultural language practices.
Research from professional development schools: Can we live up to the potential?
Examines findings of Professional Development School (PDS) researchers on the potential of PDSs to change and improve the quality of education, discussing Holmes Group research, describing barriers that have limited the contribution from PDS research, and arguing for greater focus on professional development, leadership, and policy if the PDS movement is to fulfill its potential.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Ten Points of Debate in Teacher Education: Looking for Answers to Guide Our Future
Introduces a theme issue by examining 10 dichotomies that describe concerns marking contemporary teacher education in the U.S.: quality versus quantity, majority versus minority, preservice versus inservice, campus versus school site, time versus money, specialization versus generalization, theory versus practice, professional versus public, information versus myth, and long-range versus short-range. (SM).
The collaboration process in professional development schools: Results of a meta-ethnography, 1990-1998.
Examined the characteristics of the college-school collaboration process in Professional Development Schools (PDSs), using meta-ethnography to analyze 20 case studies about the PDS collaboration process. Results yielded 12 themes about the collaboration process (e.g., unwillingness to work with others, prior relationships, sustained funding, miscommunication, strains in intra-organizational relations, and conflicting organizational goals).
Tomorrow's schools of education: A report of the Holmes Group
This report contains nine chapters: "A New Beginning"; "The Heart of the Matter: Three Kinds of Development"; "Special Knowledge for Educators"; "Participating in Policy Development"; "Commitment to Diversity"; "Human Resources: Making People Matter"; "The Core of Learning: What All Educators Must Know"; "The Professional Development School: Integral to Tomorrow's School of Education"; and "New Commitments and New Kinds of Accountability for the TSE." To correct the problem of uneven quality in the education and screening of educators for U.S. schools, the report proposes an altered mission for schools of education.
Tomorrow's schools of education: A report of the Holmes Group
Among the challenges are the following: the education school's curriculum should focus on the learning needs of the young and development of educators at various stages of their careers; university faculties should include teachers, practitioners, and other individuals who are at home working in public schools; programs that prepare school personnel and teacher educators need to actively recruit, retain, and graduate a more ethnically diverse student body; faculty and students in schools of education should work predominantly in professional development schools rather than on college campuses; education schools should join together to form an interconnecting set of networks at local, state, regional, and national levels to ensure better work and accountability.