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An Agenda for Research on Text Material in Primary Science for Second Language Learners of English in Developing Countries
Reviews evidence related to the readability and comprehensibility of material in primary school science textbooks, which shows that texts are often too difficult for children, particularly in developing countries where pupils are learning through English as the medium of instruction. (69 references) (Author/CK).
Are the Teachers' Manuals in Basal Readers Helpful for Discussing Race in Multicultural Stories?
A study examined the usefulness of the instructional recommendations in basal reader program teachers' manuals for discussing race in multicultural stories. Three recently published basal reader series widely used in the Capital District of New York State were used in this analysis: Harcourt Brace (1995), Houghton Mifflin (1993), and MacMillan (1993).
Educacao Intercultural e a Dificuldade de sua Pratica: Um Estudo da Imagem do Migrante e sua Familia em Livros Didaticos Alemaes. (Intercultural Education and the Difficulty of Its Practice: A Study of the Image of the Migrant and His Family in German Textbooks.)
Provides a brief historical report on pedagogical efforts to improve the integration of migrants and their families into German society. Examines the way in which the migrants' social situation has been dealt with in textbooks, particularly in books on politics, history, geography, and occupational education.
Impediments to Minority Student Learning
Describes a two-part study involving 125 minority female students, 14 faculty members and 35 textbooks that explored the kinds of images minority students found in their textbooks. Results indicated that the exclusion, omission, or misrepresentation through images directly impacted student learning as well as student career choices.
Impediments to Minority Student Learning
Describes a two-part study involving 125 minority female students, 14 faculty members and 35 textbooks that explored the kinds of images minority students found in their textbooks. Results indicated that the exclusion, omission, or misrepresentation through images directly impacted student learning as well as student career choices.
Losing Our Language: How Multiculturalism Undermines Our Children's Ability To Read, Write & Reason
This book argues that it is the incorporation of a multicultural agenda into basal readers, the primary tool for teaching reading in elementary schools, that has stunted American children's ability to read.
Multicultural and Disability Agendas in Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
Examines multicultural and introductory special-education textbooks to assess how each set of texts treats the other's issues. Analyzes conversations with teacher-education leaders addressing how their programs treat both issues.
Multicultural Education and the Standards Movement: A Report from the Field
The current obsession with standardizing curricula and measuring output may further reduce teacher agency and marginalize segments of our society that are already cheated by the system. Enormous discrepancies exist among public-school facilities, resources, and teachers.
Multicultural Illiteracy
Schools' treatment of diversity categorizes students and applies ineffectual learning methods to resulting stereotypes. The author's study of basal readers showed that today's multiculturalism suppresses most white immigrant groups' stories, omits references to first discoveries and inventions, and substitutes foreign expressions for literate English vocabulary.
Redirecting Our Voyage through History: A Content Analysis of Social Studies Textbooks
Examines the extent to which social studies textbooks include diverse perspectives on U.S. history through a content analysis of the treatment of slavery in 17 5th-grade texts in Connecticut.
The Inclusion of Multicultural Material in Middle School Science Teachers' Resource Manuals
Examines and categorizes multicultural teaching information found in middle school science teacher resource manuals to determine how multicultural information relates to guidelines for teaching in multicultural classrooms. A content analysis of 21 teacher editions provided the data.
The Pit Boss: A New Native American Stereotype?
Stresses the importance of U.S. history textbooks containing information that is accurate, realistic, and comprehensive, noting that while there are increased portrayals of Native Americans in today's history textbooks, portraying them in a stereotypical manner that suggests a single type of Indian culture is inappropriate and may affect students' attitudes toward Native Americans or their own self-esteem.
Transforming Elementary Social Studies: The Emergence of a Curriculum Focused on Diverse, Caring Communities
Examines six elementary social studies textbook series for the absence or presence of multicultural perspectives. Identifies Houghton Mifflin and Macmillan as opposite ends of the spectrum.