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Teacher Responsibility
"Reverse Racism": Students' Response to Equity Programs
With reference to class discussions of racism and equity, this article explores how white college and university students conceptualize racism and perceive equity programs as affecting their career opportunities. It concludes that through class discussions, educators can help students understand equity programs as a benefit to all students.
A Response to Rose Hernandez Sheets
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education and reviewed three books on the subject, agreeing with the essay's assertion that having a positive white racial identity does not an antiracist educator make; questioning the essay's interpretation of the term marginalization regarding diverse students; and agreeing that whites must take the responsibility for educating themselves about people of color. (SM).
Children of Mixed Race--No Longer Invisible
Schools often ignore the existence and special concerns of multiracial and multiethnic students, whose numbers are increasing faster than those of monoracial children. Serving these students requires changing teacher education, recording heritage sensitively, assessing formal and informal curricula, revising ethnic and racial celebrations, addressing harassment, and promoting anti-bias activities.
Editorial: Multicultural Education--Solution or Problem for American Schools?
Discusses the role of multicultural education in American education, examining Geneva Gay's book on culturally responsive teaching (which argues for culturally responsive teaching, with teaching having the moral courage to help make education more multiculturally responsive) and Sandra Stotsky's book (which argues that multicultural education is a problem for American schools and is anti-white, anti-capitalistic, and anti-intellectual). (SM).
Educational Technology and the Diverse Classroom
Describes how thoughtful, creative technology use in the classroom can encourage development in diverse students, explaining that the key to effective computer use within culturally diverse classrooms remains with the teacher. The paper discusses how to understand diversity and reach out to all students; describes how technology can enhance minority students' learning; and explains cultural responsiveness in using technology.
Ethics in Rehabilitation Education and Research
Reviews ethical issues that rehabilitation educators may face in meeting their everyday teaching and research responsibilities. Issues presented include dual relationships; selection of students; measurement of student competence; supervision of students; confidentiality concerning student information; faculty competence; multicultural issues; and the design, conduction, and publication of research.
In Pursuit of the Multicultural Curriculum: Preparing Students for a Diverse Society
Recognizing and celebrating diversity while building an inclusive sense of classroom or school community is a challenging endeavor. A successful model encompasses four basic principles: cultural validation and acceptance are inseparable; each school needs its own plan; sophisticated skills are essential; and curriculum sources and communication methods matter.
Teaching Asian American Students
Uses data from interviews with parents of Asian American students, observations, and literature reviews to identify cultural and language issues that must be considered in teaching this population. The paper discusses the history of Asian immigrants, attitudes toward education among Asians, the relationship between teaching styles and Asian culture, and suggestions for teachers working with Asian American students.
The Invisible Minority: Preparing Teachers to Meet the Needs of Gay and Lesbian Youth
Teacher educators can help prepare future educators to teach homosexual students by creating safe environments for homosexual students, providing positive role models, selecting relevant curriculum and activities, providing information and training for faculty, securing relevant library holdings, and conducting research on homosexual students. Commitment to all students must include commitment to homosexual students.
Toward a Literature of Difference
Contributes the first steps in the establishment of literary standards produced from readings of children's texts that are culturally different in form and context. Discusses instances in which the role of the literary critic comes into conflict with the responsibilities of the multicultural educator.
What Does It Mean To Affirm Diversity?
Educators must recognize five realities before meaningful affirmative actions can occur. Affirming diversity is about social justice.