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Student Personnel Services
A Multicultural Model for Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Students: Program for Deaf Adults
This document describes the multicultural Program for Deaf Adults (PDA) at LaGuardia Community College at the City University of New York. The PDA offers a comprehensive education through an extensive variety of both degree and continuing education courses.
American College Personnel Association Strategic Initiative on Multiculturalism: A Report and Proposal
Details the work of a task force charged with developing initiatives to integrate multicultural concerns into both higher education and a professional association. Outlines historical roots of the effort, lists goals, and proposes initiatives to enhance multiculturalism.
Campus Diversity: Presidents as Leaders
Many in higher education look to student affairs for leadership in diversity awareness and multicultural understanding; yet, successful campus initiatives cannot be sustained without commitment and participation by and from faculty, students, and administrators. Author argues that the commitment and support to and for multicultural understanding will not materialize without visible proactive leadership from university presidents.
Campus Diversity: Presidents as Leaders
Many in higher education look to student affairs for leadership in diversity awareness and multicultural understanding, yet, successful campus initiatives cannot be sustained without commitment and participation by and from faculty, students, and administrators. Argues that the commitment and support to and for multicultural understanding will not materialize without visible proactive leadership from university presidents.
Changing Ethical Frameworks for a Multicultural World
Explores the origins of the dominant ethical belief system in student affairs which relies heavily on the application of principles to problems. Discusses examples of ethical behavior in professional practice and surveys ethics education for students.
Counseling and Mental Health Services on Campus: A Handbook of Contemporary Practices and Challenges. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
The provision of mental health counseling within student affairs in the context of a rapidly changing society, and ever broadening demands as issues such as prevention and diversity are integrated into the scope of counseling are challenged.
Deconstructing Whiteness as Part of a Multicultural Educational Framework: From Theory to Practice
Based on emerging theoretical work on White racial identity, argues that a central problem of multicultural education involves challenging the universalization of Whiteness. Proposes a theoretical framework to advance a multicultural perspective in which the exploration and deconstruction of Whiteness is key.
Diversity Quilts: Promoting Multicultural Awareness
Summarizes and evaluates a project to promote multicultural awareness through the creation of a Diversity Quilt at Kansas State University. A survey of Counseling Center student participants reveals that 66% felt that their perception of other cultures had been changed through exposure to the Diversity Quilt.
Exist-Culturalism: A Philosophical Framework
Article presents a philosophical framework that educators and student affairs professionals might use in their current practices to enhance multicultural and diversity programs and overall campus climate. The framework purports to create an intellectual discourse about the needs and the outcomes of services, programs, and courses beyond traditional multiculturalism and diversity perspectives.
Identity and Learning: Student Affairs' Role in Transforming Higher Education
Self-definition plays a crucial role in complex learning. This article offers a framework for making identity central in learning to promote learning and self-authorship.
Intake Concerns of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students at a University Counseling Center: Implications for Developmental Programming and Outreach
Examined the presenting concerns of racial and ethnic minority students (N=157) at a university counseling center. Results indicate that family and romantic relationship issues, academic concerns, and depression were among their primary concerns.
Interpreting Identity Politics: The Educational Challenge of Contemporary Student Activism
Examines some of the educational implications multicultural activism may have for understanding today's diverse students. Uses a phenomenological analysis of student actions with an emphasis on identity politics and multiculturalism.
Multicultural Counseling Competencies as Tools to Address Oppression and Racism
The background, rationale, and framework of the multicultural competencies documents are discussed. Central concepts include development of awareness of personal assumptions, values, and biases; understanding the worldview of the culturally different client; and developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
PEPNet 2000 Innovation in Education. Conference Proceedings (Denver, Colorado, April 5-8, 2000)
This proceedings focuses on the best practices and most effective strategies for meeting the needs of postsecondary students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Presentations address professional development, access to programs and services, teaching methods, using technology, student preparation for college, program development, working with students from diverse backgrounds, and personal development.
PEPNet 2000 Innovation in Education. Conference Proceedings (Denver, Colorado, April 5-8, 2000)
This proceedings focus on the best practices and most effective strategies for meeting the needs of postsecondary students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Student Affairs Core Competencies: Integrating Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
Reports on selected aspects of the multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary for effective student affairs practice. Focuses on student affairs core competencies, multicultural competencies in student affairs, and implications of multicultural competencies in student affairs.
Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education. Second Edition
This book describes significant issues and trends in the evolution of student affairs and reviews current methods and models of practice.
Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession. Third Edition. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
A solid foundation in current literature in the field of student affairs is provided. New in this edition are an expanded theory section, expanded coverage of diversity issues, management and outcomes, and discussion of the impact of college on students.
Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession. Third Edition. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
A solid foundation in current literature in the field of student affairs is provided.