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Social Responsibility
A Path to Social Change: Examining Students' Responsibility, Opportunity, and Emotion toward Social Justice
Investigated college students' beliefs about privileged and oppressed adults' responsibility for the onset/offset of social inequities, emotions linked with their responsibility, and behaviors that should result from responsibility for social equity. Overall, preconceived notions of privilege and oppression can offer an explanation for students' resistance to multicultural discourse.
Expanding Conceptions of Community and Civic Competence for a Multicultural Society
Connects the concept of diversity to the symbiotic relationship between individuality and community in the United States. Maintains that cultural awareness is a valid and realistic response to global interdependence and changing demographics.
Incorporating Components of American Pluralism into a Course on the Geography of the USA
Outlines some of the pedagogical and organizational concerns encountered in transforming a traditional college-level U.S. geography course into a course emphasizing pluralism and diversity issues.
Leaders of Color as Catalysts for Community Building in a Multicultural Society
Presents a vision of multicultural education as a validating and inclusive process for non-European ways of knowing. Classifies multicultural education as inclusionary, emancipatory, liberatory, critical, and transformative.
Maurice R. Robinson National Mini-Grant Program for K-12 Service Learning
Briefly describes a service-learning grant program and provides examples of elementary, middle, and high school projects awarded grants in 1996. Projects included efforts to educate the community about river pollution, multicultural murals, and a school activities news show.
Multicultural Education in Geography in the USA: An Introduction
Briefly reviews the development of the diversity movement and the arguments for and against multicultural education. Follows this with a discussion of the representation of minorities within geographic institutions in the United States.
Multicultural Education. Theory to Practice
Teachers from two urban elementary schools completed surveys about their multicultural education practices. The surveys examined demographics, content integration, instructional and grouping practices, and parent-community involvement practices.
Multicultural Social Reconstructionist Education in Urban Geography: A Model Whose Time Has Come
Briefly describes several approaches to multicultural education including highlighting minority achievements and emphasizing human relations and social reconstruction. Argues that social reconstruction is the most productive approach for teaching urban geography.
Projecting the Voices of Others: Issues of Representation in Teaching Race and Ethnicity
Discusses the practice of first-person accounts in curriculum examinations of race and ethnicity. Refutes the essentialist notion that only members of a particular group can address issues concerning that group.
The Role of a European American Scholar in Multicultural Education
Attempts to broaden the theoretical base and practical applications of multicultural education by examining the contributions of European American educators to the process. Advocates members of the dominant culture using their own lives as starting points for studying how that culture is maintained.
Transforming Elementary Social Studies: The Emergence of a Curriculum Focused on Diverse, Caring Communities
Examines six elementary social studies textbook series for the absence or presence of multicultural perspectives. Identifies Houghton Mifflin and Macmillan as opposite ends of the spectrum.