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Social Integration
"E Pluribus Unum": What Does it Mean? How Should We Respond?
Charts the intellectual history of competing conceptions of national unity, diversity, and ethnic identity. Explicates three models: monolithic integration (monocultural assimilation of diversity), pluralistic preservation (diversity and unity as equal values), and pluralistic integration (stressing consensus about core civic values while acknowledging the compatibilities and tensions regarding unity and diversity).
"Yes, We Eat Dog Back Home": Contrasting Disciplinary Discourse and Praxis on Diversity
Analyzes literacy education's discourse conventions on diversity. Calls for advancing a critical democracy within the context of higher education which would disentangle the rhetoric on diversity from a colonizing agenda.
Citizenship Education and Diversity
The goals of citizenship education can conflict with values of cultural pluralism. The Canadian government's policy is one of official neutrality and tolerance with respect to cultural differences.
Community Integration Policy and Practice Abstracts. Fourth Edition
This compilation of about 200 abstracts features journal articles relevant to the community integration of people with developmental disabilities. Articles were selected based on their relevance to policy and practice.
Expanding Conceptions of Community and Civic Competence for a Multicultural Society
Connects the concept of diversity to the symbiotic relationship between individuality and community in the United States. Maintains that cultural awareness is a valid and realistic response to global interdependence and changing demographics.
L'enseignement de la diversite culturelle, c'est une responsabilite collective (The Teaching of Cultural Pluralism, a Collective Responsibility)
Following September 11, some students in a computer-assisted journalism lab in Canada made disgraceful comments based on ignorance and misinformation regarding the school's Arabic-speaking members. However, a few articles and two news reports helped change the atmosphere as students began to recognize the individuals within stereotyped groups.
Leaders of Color as Catalysts for Community Building in a Multicultural Society
Presents a vision of multicultural education as a validating and inclusive process for non-European ways of knowing. Classifies multicultural education as inclusionary, emancipatory, liberatory, critical, and transformative.
Multicultural Central Asia
This article addresses the multicultural aspect of Central Asia in response to the discussion on diversity in U.S. classrooms.
Multicultural Theorists and the Social Studies
Questions the multiculturalists' vision that an ethnic group's self-esteem and subsequent academic achievement can improve through the study of its culture. Cites the paucity of studies supporting the effectiveness of interventions to improve inter-ethnic group attitudes.
Religion and Multiculturalism in Education
Provides a concise historical overview of theological thinking concerning fundamentalism, absolutism, and relativism. Considers corresponding responses to issues regarding multiculturalism.
Strength in Diversity: How Well-Managed Cultural Training Programs Can Turn Conflict into Profits
The number of Hispanics entering the workforce between 1992 and 2005 will increase by 64 percent. Cultural diversity training can help companies produce and market products more effectively.
Taking the Common Ground: Beyond Cultural Identity
Discusses how, after 30 years of liberal education's focus on examining and celebrating diversity, the realities of contemporary social and civil life and global politics are prompting new interest in recognizing and affirming our genuine commonality. (EV).
The Role of a European American Scholar in Multicultural Education
Attempts to broaden the theoretical base and practical applications of multicultural education by examining the contributions of European American educators to the process. Advocates members of the dominant culture using their own lives as starting points for studying how that culture is maintained.
Voices from the Vineyard: Gifts of Diversity from Catholic Elementary School Educators
Studies elementary Catholic-school educators, with a focus on cultural diversity. Discusses key experiences in diverse settings, transforming the curriculum, staffing and hiring practices, and the role of parents in student education.