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School Administration and Finance
Attrition/retention of special education teachers: Critique of current research and recommendations for retention efforts
Literature review of attrition problem and suggestions for further comprehensive study Investigative efforts need to examine teacher preparation, teacher demographics, conditions of the workplace, and district and state policies.
Follow-up of children from academic and cognitive preschool curricula at age 9.
This study reports on cognitive, academic, and social outcomes at age 9 years for a group of 141 children who participated in two highly contrasting early intervention programs, mediated learning (ML) and direct instruction (DI). Consistent with results at the end of intervention, no main-effect differences between the two groups were obtained.
Organizational Culture and Its Impact on African American Teachers
Studied how the organizational culture of schools and the cultural values of African American teachers affect the professional experience of these teachers in schools where they are in the minority. Results for seven teachers show that the majority established the work norms, resulting in a uniformity of rules and regulations with which people of color were expected to comply.
Organizational Structures to Promote Teacher Engagement in Urban Schools
This monograph considers the prospects for improving teacher engagement in urban schools through professional and organizational reform.
Sources of Supply of Teachers for Eight Cogate Areas: National Trends and Predicators
This report contains national trend and predictor data for the supply of public school K-12 teachers in eight cognate areas: general elementary education; mathematics and science education; language education; social studies education; arts, physical, and health education; business and vocational education; other general education; and special education.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance, Comments from Darling-Hammond.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress; Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance; Comments from Darling-Hammond.
Teacher Effectiveness and Computer Assessment of Reading: Relating Value Added and Learning Information System Data
The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) has for several years used the
largest longitudinally merged database of student achievement data in the USA to generate
estimates of school system, school, and teacher effects on indicators of student learning
in a number of subjects, including reading comprehension.
Teacher supply in United States: Sources of newly hired teachers in public and private schools, 1988-1991.
Data from this report on sources of new teachers in the United States are from the 1987-88 and 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) of the National Center for Education Statistics, a multilevel linked survey of public and private schools, school districts, principals, and teachers. As fewer college graduates enter teaching, concerns have risen about possible teacher shortages.
Teachers' perceptions of administrative support.
This report summarizes results of a survey of special educators regarding first, their working conditions related to central office support and, second, the impact of administrative support on their job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to leave. Major findings regarding teacher attitudes toward central office administrators include a perceived administrative distance with a sense of being managed from a distance and a lack of proactive assistance and a perceived dissonance in priorities and values between teachers and central office administrators.
Teachers' Perceptions of working conditions: Impact of job design on stress, commitment, and intent to leave
This report summarizes results of a survey of special educators regarding first, their working conditions related to central office support and, second, the impact of administrative support on their job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to leave.
Teachers' Perceptions of working conditions: Impact of job design on stress, commitment, and intent to leave
This report summarizes results of a survey of special educators regarding first, their working conditions related to central office support and, second, the impact of administrative support on their job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to leave. Major findings regarding teacher attitudes toward central office administrators include a perceived administrative distance with a sense of being managed from a distance and a lack of proactive assistance and a perceived dissonance in priorities and values between teachers and central office administrators.
Teachers, Growth, and Convergence
This paper examines the role of individual instruction and teacher quality in determining economic growth and convergence across school districts. The model shows that if teacher quality is more important for human capital accumulation than individual instruction, human capital convergence will occur between two school districts.