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  • Adult Learning, Generativity and "Successful" Aging in Multicultural Perspective: A Hmong American Educational Biography
    This document examines the themes of adult learning, generativity, and successful aging against the backdrop of the biography of a Hmong refugee who immigrated to the United States in 1988 at the age of 35, began studying English as a second language (ESL), and continues to study ESL in adult education classes while six of his seven children attend public schools.
  • Albanian Refugee Children
    Uses the experience of a project working with unaccompanied refugee minors from Albania to England to describe the circumstances of these immigrants. Experience suggests that those in mainstream schools have the best chance of building a life in England.
  • Building a New Life: The Role of the School in Supporting Refugee Children
    Investigated refugee children's experiences adjusting to life in England. Interviews and surveys involving refugee and non-refugee children ranging from early to mid-adolescence provided data on: children, war, and persecution; flight to safety; early days in Britain; starting school; the importance of English; coping with the past; and providing support for parents.
  • Race Equality Policies and Practice: Resources on the Internet, Summer 2002
    Presents resources available on the Internet that deal with racial equality policies and practice. Topics include legal requirements in education; institutional racism; community cohesion; diversity; curriculum; national identity; citizenship education; race and identity; suppliers, booksellers, and publishers; links with schools in other countries; refugee education; dealing with bullying and conflict; and language and bilingualism.
  • Refugee Children in the Early Years
    Describes the findings of a research study by the Refugee Council (United Kingdom) on the experiences of refugee children in "early years provision" (early childhood education). The major finding is that refugee children, of whom there are an estimated 65,000 in the United Kingdom, do not have equal access to early-years education.
  • Refugee Pupils: A Headteacher's Perspective
    Although challenges faced by refugee children in English schools are those faced by all students, theirs are exacerbated by their refugee status. Particular problems are those of student migration, language, culture, home and school relationships, the pastoral aspect of school care, and the need for time to deal with the child as an individual.
  • The Admission and Induction of Refugee Children into School
    Examines induction and admission practice for refugee school children into Britain's public schools, highlights the educational issues and concerns of newly-arrived refugee families, and discusses what schools can do to make their entry into the school system less problematic. The author explains how good admission and induction practices can build strong school/parent partnerships that benefit children.
  • Towards Equal Educational Opportunities for Asylum-Seekers
    Interviewed and surveyed staff, asylum-seeking/refugee English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students, and ESOL students who came for other reasons at one British college, examining why the college's ESOL provision featured separate programs for the two groups. Discusses: the consequences of this divide; teacher discourses; alternative pedagogies; labeling of students; integrated provision; and multicultural education.
  • Voices from Uganda. African Voices Series
    This multi-language collection of autobiographical writing from Ugandan children and young adults who are living in Britain as refugees is illustrated with photographs and children's drawings and includes comprehensive country introductions. In the collection, young people give their accounts of migration and explore how their identities are changing in their new country.
  • Waking the Sleeping Giant: Engaging and Capitalizing on the Sociocultural Strengths of the Latino Community
    A family literacy program for Salvadoran refugees and other Latinos in Arlington (Virginia) is analyzed from a sociocultural perspective as exemplifying an educational project designed and implemented by grassroots organizations in an increasingly diverse, multicultural/multilingual community. The program addresses the educational needs of poor illiterate families while drawing on parents' culture and extensive life experiences.
  • Who Are My Sisters and Brothers? A Catholic Educational Guide for Understanding and Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees.
    This educational guide, designed for use in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, religious education programs at all grades, youth retreats, teacher training, or parent and adult sessions, places issues related to immigrants and refugees in a Catholic perspective.