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"Why Tell On Yourself?": A Text-Based Moral Dilemma Revisited
Describes how the author incorporated a shared book reading using the multicultural book "Too Many Tamales" (by G. Soto and E.
African American Females' Voices in the Classroom: Young Sisters Making Connections through Literature
Examines the reading experiences of six African-American middle school girls. Finds that their book selection processes were different than those proposed by the professional multicultural education literature; they found affirmations, support, solutions, and decision-making skills in their reading; and that what mattered were the connections the girls were making to those characters.
Diverse Learners, Diverse Texts: Exploring Identity and Difference through Literary Encounters
Examines two urban 10th-grade English classes of ethnically diverse students in which the teachers diversified literature selections for newly designed ethnic literature curricula. Reports the texts students found most memorable and meaningful, and analyzes the values students found in their encounters with these literary works.
Reading "Whiteness" in English Studies
Considers the role of the "white ground" in English studies at a critical period, the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the discipline, along with the rest of the academy and country, struggled mightily with issues of race. Describes the author's interest in constructing a narrative about the relationships between discourse and identity with students.
Reading Engaged Readers: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Describes the importance of understanding that engaged readers can make commitments or promises to understand other readers' perspectives of a text and their interests in using it. Describes how the author's demonstration lesson to a group of Kazakstan educators was transformed into a site for exploring the educators' practices for using a folktale.
Reflective Activities: Helping Students Connect with Texts. Classroom Practices in Teaching English, Volume 30
This book offers successful classroom practices that encourage students to learn purposefully and constructively by reflecting on their own learning processes and by making connections between what they read (whether verbal or visual texts) and the lives they lead.
Taking Children's Literature Seriously: Reading for Pleasure and Social Change
Investigates how multiple stances in reading can reveal new insights into texts. Demonstrates three ways that a single text can be read from the perspectives of a pleasurable reading, a postcolonial reading, and a critical multicultural reading.
The Dynamic Nature of Response: Children Reading and Responding to "Maniac Magee" and "The Friendship."
Analyzes the conversations and writings of 2 ethnically diverse populations of fifth-grade children (ages 10 and 11) in response to the powerful and difficult themes contained in two award-winning children's books. Discusses the child's voice; the teacher's role as cultural mediator; responses at the literal level; reading between the lines; responding to moral dilemmas; and personal responses to the books.
The Eye of the Other: Reading Difference in Language and Literature
Combining academic prose, some narrative, a poem, and some literary criticism, this project paper presents a theoretical framework for the literature base of the curriculum the teacher hopes to make operational on various levels over several years. The first section of the paper discusses the goals and various approaches of multicultural education.