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Public Education
A 75-Year Legacy on Assessment: Reflections from an Interview with Ralph W. Tyler
This article presents an interview with Professor Ralph W. Tyler (a pioneer in the field of education and assessment) that lends some historical perspective to the current alternative assessment movement.
American Educational History Journal, 2001
This 2001 annual publication contains 31 articles on topics germane to the history of education. Each year, this journal publishes papers presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest History of Education Society.
An America Curriculum?
Using data from a one-year field study of elementary and secondary social studies classes, the paper examines images of America actually being conveyed in elementary and secondary school classrooms, considering how schools are serving the purposes of Americanization and assimilation while the traditional study of America is being renegotiated and discussing what is influencing the provision of certain messages. (SM).
Community Service in a Multicultural Nation
Examines human qualities that undergird citizens' commitment to the common good in diverse societies, suggesting that community service fosters such qualities. Planned interactions across social barriers are necessary to develop qualities of citizenship for pluralistic nations.
Diversity and the New Immigrants
Schools are inadequately prepared to serve the needs of increasing numbers of culturally diverse students. Problems relate to desegregation, multicultural education, higher quality education, and bilingual education.
From Boarding Schools to the Multicultural Classroom: The Intercultural Politics of Education, Assimilation, and American Indians
Examines American Indian perspectives about public education in the United States, discussing practices that still work to eradicate all traces of their resident cultures. Focuses on the politics of intercultural communication in the academy via a historical and contemporary analysis of American Indians as subjects, objects, and practitioners in the U.S.
Hardman, M.L., McDonnell, J., & Welch, M.
Since its original passage as Public Law 94-142, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has been the cornerstone of practice in special education. This federal law has enabled all eligible students with disabilities to access a free and appropriate public education.
Literacies of Inclusion: Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Youth
Feminist and multicultural practices in public education can help achieve cultural inclusiveness. The paper examines multiple literacies and literacy learning in culturally diverse and gender fair schools, suggesting whole language programs, reader-response criticism, and feminism to expand the educational canon and ensure a public education representing the politics of inclusion.
Reflections on the Promise of Brown and Multicultural Education
Examines the dual meaning of promise (hope and vow) in relation to "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas," discussing how the two conceptions are implemented in a desegregated school and explaining how multicultural education can help meet the dual expectations of "Brown" as promise/vow and promise/hope.
Responding to Undocumented Children in the Schools. ERIC Digest
This digest discusses public schooling for undocumented immigrant children--children born outside the United States who live here without permission of the federal government. Most are children of agricultural workers.
Revisiting the Supreme Court's Opinion in Brown v. Board of Education from a Multiculturalist Perspective
Reexamines the Supreme Court's school desegregation opinions, including "Brown v. Board of Education," and concludes that a multicultural society was not part of the Supreme Court's vision of public schools.
Teaching Mathematics from a Multicultural Perspective
Describes principles and instructional strategies for teaching mathematics to culturally diverse students, explaining: fundamental principles of multicultural mathematics; approaches to multicultural mathematics instruction (e.g., portrayal of cultural groups in instructional materials and historical roots of mathematics concepts); and instructional strategies for diverse students (e.g., high expectations, questioning, cooperative learning, and technology use). (SM).
The Educational System of Israel. Contributions to the Study of Education, Number 70
Although it has many features in common with other national educational systems in developed countries, the Israeli educational system has unique characteristics derived from both Jewish tradition and modern history, as well as from national revival over the last century.
The State of Public Education in the United States: Teacher Education Students' Perspectives
This study examined the opinions of 44 teacher education majors, prior to student teaching, about the state of public education in the United States. It also investigated their perceptions of the opinions of faculty and practicing teachers regarding the same issue.
Will Privatizing Schools Really Help Inner-City Students of Color?
Although urban public school educators are not achieving optimal results, there is no evidence that for-profit educational companies will do any better or possess special expertise in educating poor students of color. Education Alternatives, Inc.