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Education and Class
The working class is nearly invisible in multicultural education literature. Examines the possibilities of a more careful foregrounding of the complexities of social class in shaping life chances, focusing on the educational experiences of working class students and discussing the poor in order to promote understanding of the potential of teacher advocacy to help all children living in poverty.
Empowering the Poor through Early Childhood Education
Meeting children's needs for early childhood education is one of eight strategies identified by the Food and Agricultural Organization as necessary for the eradication of poverty. Explores how early childhood education might be funded in developing nations.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunity-to-Learn Standards and the Integrity of American Public School Reform
Focusing on national policy and practice, this paper suggests key recommendations for consideration in the context of standards-based reform, including: produce teachers who are multiculturally literate; re-assess ability grouping and tracking practices; reduce K-3 class size and elementary and secondary school size; expand and improve federal compensatory education programs; and incorporate school reform into broader social reform. (SM).
Multicultural Education and the Standards Movement: A Report from the Field
The current obsession with standardizing curricula and measuring output may further reduce teacher agency and marginalize segments of our society that are already cheated by the system. Enormous discrepancies exist among public-school facilities, resources, and teachers.
Multicultural Social Reconstructionist Education in Urban Geography: A Model Whose Time Has Come
Briefly describes several approaches to multicultural education including highlighting minority achievements and emphasizing human relations and social reconstruction. Argues that social reconstruction is the most productive approach for teaching urban geography.
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
Kozol has written searing expose of the extremes of wealth and poverty in America's school system and the blighting effect of poor children, especially those in cities.
Teacher Education's Responsibility to Address Diversity Issues: Enhancing Institutional Capacity
Preservice teachers must be prepared to address substantial student diversity and to educate all students to higher levels of understanding and competence. Many teacher educators are not competent to prepare new teachers in this area.
Teachers for Multicultural Schools: The Power of Selection
Proposes 12 teacher attributes that are important in multicultural schools, focusing on specific teacher qualities and ideology and explaining that selecting teachers who are predisposed to perform the sophisticated expectations of multicultural teaching is a necessary precondition. Training has important value after preselection, providing it emphasizes being mentored on the job as fully accountable teachers.
Teachers for Multicultural Schools: The Power of Selection
Proposes 12 teacher attributes that are important in multicultural schools, focusing on specific teacher qualities and ideology and explaining that selecting teachers who are predisposed to perform the sophisticated expectations of multicultural teaching is a necessary precondition. Training has important value after preselection, providing it emphasizes being mentored on the job as fully accountable teachers.
What Makes a Teacher Education Program Relevant Preparation for Teaching Diverse Students in Urban Poverty Schools? (The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Model)
Urban teachers need a set of attributes that enable them to connect with children and youth in poverty and to function in dysfunctional school districts. The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center's (MTEC's) urban mission is to prepare educators to teach in the real world classroom of urban schools.
What Makes a Teacher Education Program Relevant Preparation for Teaching Diverse Students in Urban Poverty Schools? (The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Model)
Urban teachers need a set of attributes that enable them to connect with children and youth in poverty and to function in dysfunctional school districts. The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center's (MTEC's) urban mission is to prepare educators to teach in the real world classroom of urban schools.
What Makes a Teacher Education Program Relevant Preparation for Teaching Diverse Students in Urban Poverty Schools? (The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Model)
Urban teachers need a set of attributes that enable them to connect with children and youth in poverty and to function in dysfunctional school districts. The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center's (MTEC's) urban mission is to prepare educators to teach in the real world classroom of urban schools.