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Finding a Voice for the Victimized
Examines writers' growing awareness of the voices if the victims, exploring the representation of characters who resist subjugating colonial powers and tracing how various past and present authors have represented colonized peoples. By refocusing postmodern readers' consciousness on the violation of rights, authors reeducate and sensitize them to the contrasting voices that speak out against the persecution of those who are different.
Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as Cultural Politics. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
This book explores the development of critical cultural awareness through the process of teaching and learning about foreign cultures. It draws upon theoretical foundations relating to inter- and intra-cultural communication from contemporary philosophical movements, namely critical theory and postmodernism.
Learning and Living Difference That Makes a Difference: Postmodern Theory and Multicultural Education
Multiculturalism that both transforms and informs is important. Recommends applying postmodern theory to transformative understanding of multiculturalism.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Reading Counter-Hegemonic Practices through a Postmodern Lens
Examines similarities, differences, limitations, and possibilities of critical pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, and multicultural adult education. Considers how postmodern thought has influenced these discourses.
Postmodernism and James A. Banks' Multiculturalism: The Limits of Intellectual History
Investigates the influence of intellectual and political concerns in James Banks' account of multiculturalism, examining his embrace of and hesitations regarding postmodernism, and suggesting that the reasons for this hesitation lie in the tensions between his civic and moral commitments and the radical and skeptical implications of postmodernist theory. The paper examines Banks' earlier attempts to marry multiculturalism and the modern empiricist paradigm of social science.
White Racism, White Supremacy, White Privilege, and the Social Construction of Race: Moving from Modernist to Postmodernist Multiculturalism
Explores a concept of postmodernist multiculturalism that corrects the misconceptions of the modernist paradigm that has perpetuated a white supremacist ideology. Calls for a postmodernist pedagogy and teaching strategies that allow for multiple perspectives on race and ethnicity.
Language as Constitutive: Critical Thinking for Multicultural Education and Practice in the 21st Century
Asserts that working through postmodern positions on language offers nursing different approaches to critical thinking and cultural competence, two components of multicultural education. Describes examples relevant to topics in nursing education.