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Partnerships in Education
Agriculture and Education, Planting the Seeds of Opportunity. USDA Adopt-a-School Program Guide.
This guide explains how U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies can join the 20 other USDA agencies that have implemented 18 adopt-a-school partnerships throughout the country.
Approaching Change: One School's Approach to Multicultural Education and Raising the Achievement of African Caribbean Students
Describes Holy Family College's (London) relationship with Waltham Forest's African Caribbean Attainment Project designed to identify and assess the needs of Caribbean students of African heritage and to raise their academic achievement. How the secondary school maximized the benefits of this partnership are highlighted.
Approaching Change: One School's Approach to Multicultural Education and Raising the Achievement of African Caribbean Students
Describes Holy Family College's (London) relationship with Waltham Forest's African Caribbean Attainment Project designed to identify and assess the needs of Caribbean students of African heritage and to raise their academic achievement. How the secondary school maximized the benefits of this partnership is highlighted.
Assessing the Effects of Reform in Teacher Education: An Evaluation of the MAT Program at Trinity University
This report describes the teacher education reforms at Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas), with special emphasis on the benefits and obstacles encountered along the journey toward the creation and maintenance of effective school-university partnerships. In 1987, Trinity University established the Alliance for Better Schools, a school-university partnership between four schools (two elementary, one middle, and one high school) in one urban and one suburban district and Trinity University.
Assessing the Effects of Reform in Teacher Education: An Evaluation of the MAT Program at Trinity University
This report describes the teacher education reforms at Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas), with special emphasis on the benefits and obstacles encountered along the journey toward the creation and maintenance of effective school-university partnerships.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Breaking Down the Walls: Camp/School Program Brings Diverse Communities Together
The Discovery Center (Ashford, Connecticut) is a camp/university/school program that provides a positive diversity experience to preadolescents through experiential education in an outdoor, residential setting. Students from at least four cultural groups are mixed for all cabin and lab groups, and all camp activities are retooled to pursue the goal of comprehensive diversity education.
Building an International Student Teaching Program: A California/Mexico Experience
This paper describes the first year of an international student teaching project conducted in Mexicali, Mexico, which was successful in helping U.S. participants develop cultural understanding and critical teaching skills needed to work with English learners.
Changing Teacher Education through Professional Development School Partnerships: A Five-Year Follow-up Study
Investigates the impact of involvement with professional development schools (PDS's) on how colleges prepare teachers, following several partnerships longitudinally. The paper examines how changes in teacher education have resulted from PDS involvement, discusses the question of institutionalization of PDSs, and describes the potential for PDSs to provide for the simultaneous renewal of schools and colleges.
Community Update, 2000.
This document consists of ten issues (covering January through December 2000) of the Newsletter, "Community Update," containing articles on community and family involvement in education.
Contradictions in Collaboration: New Thinking on School/University Partnerships
This book is based on a 6-year longitudinal study of collaboration in a professional development school (PDS) project involving 45 educators. Teachers and principals from the schools and faculty and doctoral students from the university work together to plan, implement, and evaluate a Master's of Education program.
Creating Cross-Cultural Connections
Describes a project partnership aimed at helping college students and urban high school students better understand each other's worlds, highlighting the massive miscommunication that often occurs in such environments. Through e-mailing, letter writing, face-to-face experiences, literary experiences with multicultural themes, idea walks, reflections, webbing, and quilt making, this project coaxed participants to break institutional and social barriers in their personal systems.
Cross Cultural Watershed Partners. Activities Manual
The Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN) has developed this manual of background information and activities for teachers and students who are interested in adding a cross cultural component to their watershed education program, or who wish to include an environmental context to their cross cultural experience.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Crossing Boundaries: Multi-National Action Research on Family-School Collaboration. Report No. 33
This report details studies by eight researchers from five countries--Australia, Chile, the Czech Republic, Portugal, and Spain--that examine boundary-crossing issues between teachers and parents, between policies and school reality, between cultures, and between research and practice.
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
Developing an Electronic Infrastructure To Support Multimedia Telecomputing Resources
The Houston Consortium of Urban Professional Development and Technology Schools project, developed to prepare teachers for urban, multicultural classrooms is continuing its development of a telecommunications infrastructure for its members--faculty, teachers, staff and students from colleges, public schools, and regional educational service agencies. Discussion includes telecomputing goals, networking hardware, software, and links to additional sources.
Fulfilling the Promise of Access and Opportunity: Collaborative Community Colleges for the 21st Century. New Expeditions: Charting the Second Century of Community Colleges. Issues Paper No. 3
This document is part of the New Expeditions series, published by the American Association of Community Colleges. Addressed specifically in this paper is the need for collaboration within and between community colleges if they are to fulfill their role as democratic agencies concerned with access and equity issues.
Fulfilling the Promise of Access and Opportunity: Collaborative Community Colleges for the 21st Century. New Expeditions: Charting the Second Century of Community Colleges. Issues Paper No. 3
This document is part of the New Expeditions series, published by the American Association of Community Colleges. Addressed specifically in this paper is the need for collaboration within and between community colleges if they are to fulfill their role as democratic agencies concerned with access and equity issues.
Fulfilling the Promise of Access and Opportunity: Collaborative Community Colleges for the 21st Century. New Expeditions: Charting the Second Century of Community Colleges. Issues Paper No. 3
This document is part of the New Expeditions series, published by the American Association of Community Colleges. Addressed specifically in this paper is the need for collaboration within and between community colleges if they are to fulfill their role as democratic agencies concerned with access and equity issues.
Improving Minority Student Success: Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections between Theory, Research, and Academic Planning
This paper reports how multi-institutional, theoretical research influenced the design and development of intervention programs at a large, predominantly African-American community college.
Increasing Teacher Diversity by Tapping the Paraprofessional Pool
To increase the representation of people of color in teaching, the potential candidate pool must expand beyond those who are likely to attend college. Paraprofessional school personnel, who typically are from minority groups, constitute a ready source for increasing the supply of diverse teachers.
It's about People: A Successful School/University Partnership
Utah State University and a rural elementary school attended by Navajos cooperated on a science education program for grades 4-6. The program used take-home science kits; field trips; parental input; and Navajo staff, language, and culture to make the program culturally relevant.
Making professional development schools work:
This book has 11 chapters organized into 3 parts. The chapters are based on following key ideas:College School Cooperation, Partnerships in Education, Professional Development Schools,Teacher Education Programs, Professional Education and Development.
Multicultural Service Learning: Educating Teachers in Diverse Communities
This book explains the complex interplay of service learning, multicultural education, and teacher preparation. It shows how the author collaborated with community partners and preservice teachers to jointly construct the service learning supplement to a multicultural education course, from the bottom up.
Navigating through Uncharted Territory: The Tensions and Promise of PDS Partnerships
One of five articles in the section on the "Promise and Purpose of Professional Development Schools," this article examines challenges that arise when preservice teacher education occurs mainly within professional development schools (PDS). Suggests that for PDS to promote reform, partners must set aside preconceived notions and share in decision making regarding all aspects of PDS.
Partner schools: Centers for educational renewal
This book addresses three questions: Is the partner school concept a passing fad? What do educators need to know in order to initiate a partnership and a partner school? What can we anticipate, with regard to costs and benefits, from partner schools in the future?.
Partnership in Achievement
Argues that proposals recently put forth by the government for the improvement of educational achievement in England will not solve the problem, and suggests a focus on teachers and students and real partnerships with communities, with equal contributions by stakeholder groups, including racial and ethnic minorities. (SLD).
Preparing Teachers for Diverse Classrooms: A Report on an Action Research Project
This paper reports on a collaborative effort to achieve the following objectives: (1) identify attitudes, knowledge, and skills teachers need to educate effectively all students in a culturally diverse classroom; (2) develop models of preservice and inservice education that will provide education and socialization necessary for effective education of multicultural student populations; and (3) identify the systemic issues that must be addressed to implement the models successfully.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Professional development school partnerships: Reflections and perspectives
Reflects on the roles and responsibilities of four key educators involved in a Professional Development School (PDS): a university faculty member, a middle school principal, a middle school teacher who is also an adjunct professor, and another middle school teacher. The paper reflects on the Holmes Group concept at work.
Professional Development School Trade-Offs in Teacher Preparation and Renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Professional development schools: Looking ahead
Speculates on the future of Professional Development Schools (PDSs), examining: the Holmes Group's beginning vision of PDSs; PDS progress; persistent problems; the vision of learning and learning to teach; the role of the university at large; the structures of schools and PDSs; teachers' roles; recent enabling trends; and a primary purpose for PDSs.
Professional Development Schools: Weighing the Evidence
This book examines U.S. progress in revitalizing teacher education and reforming K-12 education via Professional Development Schools (PDS's).
Professional Development Schools: Weighing the Evidence
This book examines U.S. progress in revitalizing teacher education and reforming K-12 education via Professional Development Schools (PDS's).
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Strength through diversity: Houston Consortium for professional development and technology centers
The challenges of burgeoning enrollment and the high concentration of lower-income and ethnic minority students, a climate of low expectations, teacher and student mobility, and increasing drop-out rates, led to the formation of the Houston (Texas) Consortium of Urban Professional Development Centers.
Teachers Leading Teachers: Enhancing Multicultural Education through Field-based Partnerships
Argues that partnerships between early childhood teacher preparation programs and public school teachers will strengthen the discourse on multicultural education and its institutionalization. Presents strategies for gaining a personal connection to multicultural education ideals, including developing cultural biographies, examining stereotypes and prejudices, examining the construction of a personal identity, and critically examining the media.
The collaboration process in professional development schools: Results of a meta-ethnography, 1990-1998.
Examined the characteristics of the college-school collaboration process in Professional Development Schools (PDSs), using meta-ethnography to analyze 20 case studies about the PDS collaboration process. Results yielded 12 themes about the collaboration process (e.g., unwillingness to work with others, prior relationships, sustained funding, miscommunication, strains in intra-organizational relations, and conflicting organizational goals).
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional and Organizational Development. Volume 18
The year 2000 volume of this annual publication contains 18 articles on issues relating to organizational change, collaboration and partnerships, and teaching and faculty development in higher education.
Virtual Teaching on the Tundra
Describes how a teacher and a distance-learning consultant collaborate in using the Internet and Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environment (CISILE) to connect multicultural students on the harsh Baffin Island (Canada). Discusses the creation of the class's database and future implications.
Visible Differences and Unseen Commonalities: Viewing Students as the Connections Between Schools and Communities
Community involvement has become an integral part of the national reform agenda and the call for increased involvement and redefining schools’ and communities’ roles and relationships has broad-based support. But the ways in which parents and advocates envision their involvement is often different than the ways in which school administrators think about it.
Visible Differences and Unseen Commonalities: Viewing Students as the Connections Between Schools and Communities
Community involvement has become an integral part of the national reform agenda and the call for increased involvement and redefining schools’ and communities’ roles and relationships has broad-based support. But the ways in which parents and advocates envision their involvement is often different than the ways in which school administrators think about it.
Will Privatizing Schools Really Help Inner-City Students of Color?
Although urban public school educators are not achieving optimal results, there is no evidence that for-profit educational companies will do any better or possess special expertise in educating poor students of color. Education Alternatives, Inc.