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Nursing Education
A Language-Focused Needs Analysis for ESL-Speaking Nursing Students in Class and Clinic
Reports results of an extensive needs-analysis for English-as-a-Second-Language-speaking graduate nursing students. The analysis focuses on skills required for school, clinical practice, and interaction with a multicultural, socially stratified patient population.
Diversity as a Value in Undergraduate Nursing Education
An associate degree nursing program restructured the curriculum using transcultural nursing theory, including cultural value and cultural care accommodation. Objectives include acknowledging the relevance of diversity to health care, addressing diversity in interventions, and learning how to accommodate diversity in providing care.
Language as Constitutive: Critical Thinking for Multicultural Education and Practice in the 21st Century
Asserts that working through postmodern positions on language offers nursing different approaches to critical thinking and cultural competence, two components of multicultural education. Describes examples relevant to topics in nursing education.
Multicultural Nursing Education
Multicultural nursing education should go beyond teaching respect for values and beliefs to integrate multiculturalism throughout the educational environment. Raising awareness, developing critical thinking, supporting diverse ways of learning, and using conflict creatively are some strategies that can be applied.
Preparation of Nurses to Meet the Needs of an Ethnically Diverse Society: Educational Implications
Culturally appropriate health care has yet to emerge in Britain. To prepare nurses to meet the health needs of ethnic minorities requires awareness of their own cultural identity, cross-cultural understanding, and recruitment of students from ethnic groups.
Race, Class, and Gender Considerations in Nursing Education
The curriculum revolution in nursing education is a direct result of outdated modes of teaching and learning that fail to prepare students for nursing in a diverse society. Little dialog is occurring on the topic of the inclusion of multiculturalism into the curriculum.
Teaching Culture within the Nursing Curriculum Using the Giger-Davidhizar Model of Transcultural Nursing Assessment
Presents a method for integrating cultural competence throughout the nursing curriculum. The model contains six cultural phenomena: communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variation.
The Impact of an International Cultural Experience on Previously Held Stereotypes by American Student Nurses
Examined stereotypes held by U.S. student nurses before and after participating in an educational experience in Russia.
Transcultural Nursing Education: A View from Within
Written from a minority perspective, this article explores issues of transcultural nursing education and advocates reform of approaches that cast minority ethnic persons as "other," present minority ethnic nurses as experts on minority issues, and equate transcultural education with learning about cultural norms and practices. (Contains 41 references.) (SK).
Using Educational Technology To Teach Cultural Assessment
A module to prepare nursing students to conduct cultural assessments of patients covers multicultural health care environments, genogram skills, self-awareness, theoretical lenses, and cross-cultural communication skills. Instructional materials use multimedia CD-ROM and web-based technologies.