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Needs Assessment
A Language-Focused Needs Analysis for ESL-Speaking Nursing Students in Class and Clinic
Reports results of an extensive needs-analysis for English-as-a-Second-Language-speaking graduate nursing students. The analysis focuses on skills required for school, clinical practice, and interaction with a multicultural, socially stratified patient population.
Annual Needs Assessment, 1998: Region V Head Start-Child Care Partnerships & Training and Technical Assistance Needs in the Area of Disabilities
The Great Lakes Quality Improvement Center for Disabilities (Region V QIC-D or GLQIC-D) serves Head Start Programs in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and conducts an annual needs assessment of the Head Start Disability Services Coordinators. For 1998, 264 coordinators completed the survey, which gathered information regarding Head Start-Child Care partnerships and initiatives, training and technical assistance needs regarding parents with disabilities, and needs in library resources regarding disabilities.
Bilingual Learners and the Code of Practice
Questions the interpretation that the most urgent task in the context of the introduction of the Code of Practice on Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs in the United Kingdom is assessment that facilitates identification of bilingual learners with special educational needs, as distinct from their linguistic needs. (SLD).
Celebrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Head Start
Noting that the dramatic demographic changes in the United States in the last 30 years require that Head Start programs learn how to access new populations, encourage their participation, and tailor programs to meet their unique needs, this study was commissioned to better understand the diversity in language and culture of the Head Start population.
Equity and Excellence: Providing Access to Gifted Education for Culturally Diverse Students
This article maintains that the underrepresentation of diverse students in gifted education programs is due to a "deficit perspective" about culturally diverse populations. Recommendations include identifying and serving underachievers and low socioeconomic-status students, providing educators and gifted students with multicultural education, and developing home-school partnerships.
Multicultural Education Program Evaluation, 1995-96. Assessment/Accountability Report
In 1993-94, the Board of Education of the City of New York distributed more than $1 million to augment existing multicultural initiatives in professional or curriculum development. Districts and superintendencies in the city also designed a 3-year program to facilitate the planning and scope of these initiatives.
Predictors of Success in Urban Teaching: Analyzing Two Paradoxical Cases
Uses case-study methods to compare the urban field-teaching experience of two undergraduate teacher-education students. Identifies factors that contributed to one student teacher's success and the other's failure.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.