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"Reverse Racism": Students' Response to Equity Programs
With reference to class discussions of racism and equity, this article explores how white college and university students conceptualize racism and perceive equity programs as affecting their career opportunities. It concludes that through class discussions, educators can help students understand equity programs as a benefit to all students.
An Examination of Gender Differences among Teachers in Jamaican Schools
Examines the history of education in Jamaica, then discusses why there is an absence of male teachers in younger grades. Interviews with teachers and principals from six primary and elementary schools indicate that, similar to educational staff in North America, respondents have stereotyped attitudes regarding the teaching of young children being the realm of women.
Boys Will Be Men: Raising Our Sons for Courage, Caring and Community
This book offers practical advice on how to rear sons to become the kind of men needed for a multicultural and democratic society. Suggestions are given for dealing with racism, homophobia, pornography, drugs, social class problems, consumerism, sex, and violence.
Brothers of the Academy: Up and Coming Black Scholars Earning Our Way in Higher Education
This book offers 26 papers by black male scholars that examine the experience of being a black man in the academy and demonstrate what black men have contributed to the scholarly enterprise.
Changing Expectations: Working with Disaffected African Caribbean Boys
Explores the problem of low academic achievement among African Caribbean boys in English schools and discusses corrective efforts. Efforts in making the curriculum more accessible, promoting self-esteem, and reintegrating African Caribbean students who have been excluded from other schools are examined.
Identity Formation and the Processes of "Othering": Unraveling Sexual Threads
Discusses the extent to which the processes of "othering" (marking and naming those considered different from oneself) fall into the physical and sexual realm. The paper examines three studies, highlighting the extent to which othering is sexual, naming and exploring what it means for current school practice in multicultural environments.
Sexism Exposed: Films about Gender Identity, Discrimination, and Change
Reviews documentary and ethnographic films that examine gender-related issues, summarizing each film and analyzing its relevance to multicultural and social justice education. The films are: "The Fairer Sex?"; "Macho, 2000"; "The Pill"; "Step by Step: Building a Feminist Movement"; "I am a Man"; "The Body Beautiful"; and "Nobody Knows My Name." (SM).
Social Inclusion: Would Dickens Approve?
Discusses exclusion of ethnic minority students from school in Britain as it reflects the operation of complex differential expectations and assumptions. Data from several studies show that exclusions have been racialized and that black boys are often excluded or disciplined for showing culturally specific behaviors.
Teacher Practices and Student Motivation in a Middle School Program for African American Males
Examined an instructional program emphasizing African American history and culture to determine classroom experiences and the program's impact on academic motivation for the 18 African American male middle school students. Data provide mixed support for the relationships among autonomy, control, perceived competence, and intrinsic motivation postulated by cognitive evaluation theory.
The Exclusion of Black Children: Implications for a Racialised Perspective
The British educational system continues to exclude black male students in disproportionate numbers. Concerted and sustained policies are needed to achieve social justice, including a curriculum relevant to all students, ethnic monitoring, development of a new system to meet students' needs, and development of short-term and long-term strategies.