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A Multicultural Study of University Students' Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality
This study investigated whether or not a relationship exists between university students' knowledge of and attitudes toward homosexuality. Reports significant results and discusses the implications of findings for educational and counseling practice.
Are the Culturally Diverse Needs of Children Being Met in Special Education?
A mail survey was conducted of 149 students (grades 4-8) with special needs in 19 school systems in inner city, suburban, and rural settings to determine their knowledge of cultural diversity and to identify their educational needs in this area.
Changes in Preservice Teachers' Knowledge and Beliefs about Language Issues
Examined how predominantly female, white preservice teachers' knowledge and beliefs about language issues changed after an intensive multicultural education course. Data from surveys and course assignments indicated that students made significant gains in three areas: personal beliefs about diversity; professional beliefs about diversity; and multicultural education knowledge.
Collaboration activities and competencies of secondary school special educators: A national survey.
A national survey of 1,000 secondary school special educators servicing students with mild disabilities yielded 407 responses. Results found that the teachers interacted frequently with general and special educators to share information and infrequently with community service providers.
Cultural Literacy: Are Practically Average Knowledge Levels Enough?
This study investigated levels of knowledge of multicultural education and issues related to cultural diversity among student teachers and teacher educators. Participants included 45 predominantly white teacher educators and 78 predominantly white preservice teachers at a mid-sized southern university.
Development and Implementation of a Program of Study To Prepare Teachers for Diversity
Examines the development and implementation of a multicultural education workshop designed to help future elementary school teachers prepare for classroom student diversity. Student journals and faculty perceptions are used in an outcome analysis that reveals an increase in participant knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the multicultural classroom.
Issues in Mathematics Education with African American Students
To teach mathematics successfully to African Americans, there must be modification of what math is as a knowledge. Recently, a framework was composed which delineated four disparate dimensions of math as a type of knowledge and how assessment varies as a result of the definitions.
Multicultural Education and Curriculum Transformation
Describes five dimensions of multicultural education, focusing on the knowledge construction process in order to show how the cultural assumptions, frames of reference, and perspectives of mainstream scholars and researchers influence the ways in which academic knowledge is constructed to legitimize institutionalized inequity. (Author/SLD).
Multicultural Training Needs for Counselors of Gifted African American Children
Identifies problems related to a counselor's lack of training to assist gifted African American children and proposes steps toward appropriate counselor training. A good multicultural training program has components of consciousness raising, antiracism, and knowledge and skill development.
Promoting Multiculturalism in Developmental Education
Asserts that the teaching profession needs to recognize the natural connections between multicultural and developmental education. Presents eight steps developmental educators can take to promote pluralism, including (1) establishing a clear link between cultural pluralism and institutional and programmatic mission and goals; (2) striving for diversity at all levels; and (3) embedding multiculturalism in the curriculum.
Re-establishing Antiracist Education: A Response to Short and Carrington
Responds to the article "Reconstructing Multicultural Education: a Response to Mike Cole" in which Cole defends his views of antiracist education and the role of cultural racism, the teaching of controversial aspects of other cultures, reconstructed multiculturalism as opposed to student misconceptions, and nationalism within the context of Britishness. (CMK).
Reconstructing Multicultural Education: A Response to Mike Cole
Refutes Mike Cole's article "Racism, Reconstructed Multiculturalism and Antiracist Education" by addressing five main topics: (1) the new racism as a means to changing multicultural education; (2) representation of antiracist educators; (3) advice to teachers of controversial aspects of other cultures; (4) identifying students' misconceptions before imparting new knowledge; and (5) nationalism. (CMK).
School Counselors' Universal-Diverse Orientation and Aspects of Their Multicultural Counseling Competence
Explores the relationship between school counselors' universal-diverse orientation (UDO) and their self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. It was hypothesized that after accounting for the number of previous multicultural counseling courses taken, school counselors' UDO would contribute significant amounts of the variance to their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness.