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Junior High Schools
"Survival": A White Teacher's Conception of Drama with Inner-City Hispanic Youth
Profiles how and why a White, upper-middle-class teacher who was trained in aspects of play production and theater education changed her conception of educational drama as she worked in an inner-city magnet school with impoverished, inner-city Hispanic youth. Discusses culture shock, cross-cultural functioning, and survival in terms of ethos, gang subculture, language, and staff authority.
Are the Culturally Diverse Needs of Children Being Met in Special Education?
A mail survey was conducted of 149 students (grades 4-8) with special needs in 19 school systems in inner city, suburban, and rural settings to determine their knowledge of cultural diversity and to identify their educational needs in this area.
Assessing Students' Attitudes and Achievements in a Multicultural and Multilingual Science Classroom
Takes a qualitative and quantitative look at the curriculum and teaching of a two-way immersion eighth-grade solar energy science classroom and examines its implications for education policy and reform. Results for a class of 25 students indicate that the approach increases the retention rate of Hispanic students.
Citizenship, Diversity and Distance Learning: Videoconferencing in Connecticut
Profiles a videoconference that brought together two seventh-grade classes in Connecticut. Over several days, white, middle-class, rural students discussed topical issues with urban black students.
Looking Over the Edge: Preparing Teachers for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Middle Schools
The principles and practices of multicultural education became the heart of one middle school teacher education program. The five principles included fostering inter/intragroup harmony through learning communities, targeting social justice and affirmation of diversity, empowering students and teachers, seeing things from multiple perspectives, and preparing teachers explicitly for cultural and linguistic diversity.
Making Connections
Discusses ways to overcome seventh and eight graders' negative feelings of diversity in the context of a study of the Holocaust. Describes the use of poetry, music and lyrics, and memoirs and novels that reflect a wide range of viewpoints to help students feel more connected to their own world.
Minneapolis and Brittany: Children Bridge Geographical and Social Differences through Technology
Presents examples of how computer-mediated communication (CMC) affects language learning, describing a successful CMC project involving a Minnesota middle school and a school in France. Students exchanged electronic mail over two years and eventually produced a student-written, bilingual, multicultural play.
Multicultural Mathematical Ideas: A New Course
Discusses the need for a college course on multicultural mathematics. Provides information about the course, examining mathematics within various cultural settings both past and present.
New Dramas for New Identities
Describes the use of a drama conducted within an educational setting to help students better understand the complexities of identity formation and prepare them to live in a multiracial society. The drama's effectiveness in fostering an understanding of cultural identities is assessed in light of changing social theories that question multicultural and antiracist education.
On the Power of Separate Spaces: Teachers and Students Writing (Righting) Selves and Future
Studied the effect of programs within desegregated schools that serve an identified population of students for cultural affirmation and advancement. Ethnographic data from a girls' group at an urban magnet school and a Vietnamese students' homeroom, focusing on 20 high school students, in an urban comprehensive school demonstrate both the power of such "spaces" and the contradictory impulses within such arrangements.
Technology-Transformed Dictionary Compilation: Drudgery into Desired Desktop Lexicographer Enchantment
Describes how grade 3-8 inner-city students created multimedia, multicultural dictionaries. Highlights student reflections on the project using Kid Pix software, and their ideas for future uses for the dictionaries.
The Business Education Index 1996. Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled from a Selected List of Periodicals Published during the Year 1996. Volume 57
This index, which was compiled from a selected list of 45 periodicals published in 1996, lists more than 2,000 business education articles and research studies. Articles are listed under the following subject categories and subcategories: basic business, communications, curriculum, document, general educational issues,information systems, personnel issues,teaching issues,teaching strategies .
The Effect of Modified Input on the Acquisition of Vocabulary in Science by a Newly Arrived Bilingual Student in a Secondary School
Studies the effect of specific teacher input, modified for comprehension, on the acquisition of science vocabulary by a recent immigrant, a 12-year old newly arrived at an English secondary school. Comprehensible input played an important part in the acquisition of this student's science vocabulary.
The Family Tree: Nurturing Language Growth through "All the Parts of Me."
Describes a month-long project in an eighth-grade English classroom in which students (from many countries, many of them immigrants) read an array of bicultural literature, and each researched, wrote, and compiled a many-faceted Family Tree notebook. Shows how students can achieve both their own cultural authenticity and English language competence without loss of personal voice.
The Inclusion of Multicultural Material in Middle School Science Teachers' Resource Manuals
Examines and categorizes multicultural teaching information found in middle school science teacher resource manuals to determine how multicultural information relates to guidelines for teaching in multicultural classrooms. A content analysis of 21 teacher editions provided the data.