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"Back Home, Nobody'd Do That": Immigrant Students and Cultural Models of Schooling
Asks what teachers must know about ethnic backgrounds to facilitate instruction for immigrant students, how cultural values in the United States and values of specific ethnic groups diverge, and how teachers can improve their understanding of other cultures. Answers through firsthand accounts from research interviews with students who are recent immigrants.
"The Light in Her Eyes." An Interview with Sonia Nieto
Presents an interview with educators' educator Sonia Nieto--an author of two important books ("The Light in Their Eyes: Creating Multicultural Learning Communities," and "Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education"). Discusses her books, avoiding stereotypes, current issues in multicultural education, how and what is taught, exploring unconscious attitudes, and linguistic diversities.
A Student's Guide to Irish American Genealogy. Oryx American Family Tree Series
This book provides a step-by-step guide to genealogical research in the United States and Ireland for Irish Americans. The book also contains information on the history of Ireland and Irish immigration.
Bleeding Boundaries or Uncertain Center? A Historical Exploration of Multicultural Education
Explores historical trends in multicultural education related to its definition as a subject discipline. Discusses conceptual elements, common core, and discipline boundaries.
Class of 2000: The Prejudice Puzzle[SM]. A Teachers' Guide. A Presentation of National Public Radio[R] Specials Project
This teachers' guide accompanies a series of reports from National Public Radio's "Class of 2000: The Prejudice Puzzle," which was broadcast on September 9-15, 1990. The series explores the impact of prejudice on the lives of young people through several interviews from a diverse student population.
Counseling Muslim Children in School Settings
Describes basic issues regarding the education and counseling of Muslims. Several issues emerged for concern including home/school relations, family values, peer relations and dating, and curriculum problems.
Multicultural Literature in Rural Schools: A Social Studies Unit that Promotes Cultural Awareness
Presents a study in which 12 multicultural literature selections were used in a unit on families in order to facilitate the cultural awareness of second-grade students who live in a predominately African American, rural community. Discusses the themes that emerged.
Music Faculty Perceptions of Multicultural Music Education
Investigates the perceptions of selected college music faculty on multicultural music education, focusing on such issues as a definition of multicultural music education, whether or not it would benefit from hiring minority faculty, and its benefits and problems. (CMK).
Pioneers of Multicultural Counseling: An Interview with Paul B. Pedersen
This interview with Dr. Pedersen highlights his contributions to the field of counseling and psychology in general and to the field of multicultural counseling in particular.
Superintendents' Multicultural Competencies
Examines the competencies required by superintendents to lead schools in diverse cultural settings. Methodology included interviews with 12 multicultural education experts, participation of 14 "expert" superintendents, and written responses.
Teachers' Beliefs, Antiracism and Moral Education: Problems of Intersection
Explores the potential problems of intersection between the defining aims of antiracist education and teachers' beliefs about the aims of education. Identifies a framework for differentiating three ethical perspectives that teachers often take in articulating and justifying their beliefs about the ideal aims of education.
The Critical Incident Interview and Ethnoracial Identity
Describes the critical-incident interview, a cross-cultural training technique that helps social work students assess clients' ethnic- and racial-identity development. Uses examples from student interviews to present the steps involved in teaching the technique.
The Violence That Creates School Dropouts
Examines the impact of violence on high school dropouts in their relationships with peers, family, teachers, and school structure. The resistance to school and violence in schools are seen as the result of schools' and society's resistance to dealing with diversity and the impact of various types of violence inherent in this resistance.
The Vocational Situation and Country of Orientation of International Students
A culturally relevant career development needs assessment survey was administered to 227 international college students. Factor analysis indicates that the participants' vocational needs centered on obtaining work experience, overcoming interview barriers, and developing job search skills.