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Integrated Curriculum
"Making Connections:" An International Literary Project. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1996 (Bulgaria and Romania)
This paper describes a project designed to create a student literary magazine that would explore and compare the childhoods and the cultural rites of passage of Romanian, Bulgarian, and U.S. students.
Curriculum Integration: A Two-Way Street
Describes curriculum integration and examines a theory of multicultural integration applying it to music education. Offers guidelines for music teachers who attempt to integrate music education with other subject areas: (1) get organized; (2) inform your principal; (3) start small; (4) be proactive; (5) be flexible; and (6) evaluate the effort.
Developing a Multicultural Focus in Teacher Education: One Department's Story
This paper describes how the University of Wisconsin-Parkside developed a multicultural emphasis in its teacher education program, noting that implementing such a focus in a school with predominantly white students and faculty members required a paradigm shift for both the program and the faculty. (SM).
Ethnic Studies and Multiculturalism: SUNY Series, Frontiers in Education
This book examines ethnic studies and multiculturalism movements at the higher education level. It notes the different viewpoints of these two movements, with ethnic studies usually involving a focus on a single ethnic group at the departmental level, whereas multiculturalism involves infusion of multiethnic themes into the curriculum across departments.
From Metaphoric Landscapes to Social Reform: A Case for Holistic Curricula
Discusses two related dilemmas: (1) the tension between the Western view of historical progress and the realities of modern society; and (2) the tension between old and new approaches to teaching and learning about the arts. Argues that the end result of implementing the Goals 2000 program might diminish the teaching of the arts as discrete subjects.
Increasing Cultural Awareness of Sixth Grade Geography Students through the Usage of Integrated Units, Literature Based Instruction, and Cooperative Learning Strategies
This research focused on increasing cultural awareness and cultural literacy among 17 world geography students in a Florida sixth-grade. Pre- and post-tests, surveys, cultural notebook evaluation sheets, a speaker's bureau directory log, accountability notebook log, and a cultural resource materials log were used to gather data.
Integrating the Arts: Renaissance and Reformation in Arts Education
Asserts that the general educational curriculum tends to be fragmented and compartmentalized and that this situation would be improved by curriculum integration. Argues that an interdisciplinary arts approach would require new teacher attitudes and instructional strategies.
Shifting the Role of the Arts in Education
SUAVE (Socios Unidos para Artes Via Educacion--United Community for Arts in Education) is an arts-integrated approach to teaching in multicultural and multilingual settings. A unique professional development project for San Diego-area teachers, SUAVE helps teachers develop ways to integrate the arts into mathematics, science, language arts, and social sciences.
Standards and Practices: Children's Literature and Curricula Reform for the Twenty-First Century
Maintains that implementing the new social studies curriculum standards has been a challenge for many elementary teachers. Asserts that high-quality children's literature is essential for an integrated, multicultural curriculum.
Teaching Culture within the Nursing Curriculum Using the Giger-Davidhizar Model of Transcultural Nursing Assessment
Presents a method for integrating cultural competence throughout the nursing curriculum. The model contains six cultural phenomena: communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variation.
Welcoming the Culture of Computing into the K-12 Classroom: Technological Fluency and Lessons Learned from Second Language Acquisition and Cross Cultural Studies
Discusses the integration of innovative technologies into the K-12 curriculum and its impact on instructional programs for linguistically and culturally diverse students. Describes the debate over whether the culture of computing is inclusive or exclusive, examining: educational technology standards; information technology and fluency; speech registers; postulating registers of information technology fluency; and the role of automaticity in developing fluency.