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Instructional Leadership
Future Directions with Troubled Children
A leader in the education of troubled children identifies issues for the future. They include: (1) recognizing emotional and behavior disorders as a disability; (2) enhancing multicultural education with knowledge about commonalties; and (3) basing practices on scientific knowledge.
Leadership and Change for the 21st Century: Preparing Educational Leaders To Foster Persistence and Achievement among Hispanic Students
This document describes the Hispanic Border Leadership Institute (HBLI). The HBLI is both a leadership-development initiative and a doctoral fellowship program for educational leaders.
Successful Strategies in Multi-Ethnic Schools: A Summary of Recent Research
Summarizes approaches identified in recent research that were used in schools in the United Kingdom that were effective in educating minority students. These effective schools were characterized by strong leadership, shared vision and goals, school organization, and high expectations for students.
The Formative Evaluation of Years 1 and 2 of a Pilot Multicultural/Antiracist Educational Leadership Program
This paper describes the evaluation approach, techniques, and instruments adopted during the first 2 years of a 3-year multicultural/antiracist educational leadership program in 4 Canadian provinces involving approximately 200 secondary students. The formative evaluation of these two years was aimed at program achievement.
Uprooting and Replacing Positivism, the Melting Pot, Multiculturalism, and Other Impotent Notions in Educational Leadership through an African American Perspective
Examines traditional notions of positivism and rational-linear thinking that have guided public school practice, interrogating modernist concepts of the melting pot and multiculturalism through an African American and critical theoretical voice. Offers a postmodernist perspective grounded in spirituality that welcomes involving the whole self in school leadership and encourages constructing schools that celebrate democracy, equity, and social justice.