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Instructional Innovation
A Sound Education
Although band, chorus, and orchestra are still mainstays of most school music programs, many schools are incorporating technology, multicultural music, composition, and improvisation into the course offerings. Music teachers must balance tradition and innovation.
Agile Learning, New Media, and Technological Infusement at a New University: Serving Underrepresented Students. JSRI Occasional Paper
The California State University system faces an increase of 100,000 students by 2010, the majority of whom will be Latino. Fundamental restructuring is necessary to accommodate this change, and the new California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) may provide a model.
Beyond the Popular and Politically Correct: Multicultural Education and the Reform of Theatre Pedagogy
Multicultural education is still a relatively new trend in the American system of higher education. As with any new pedagogy, there is a tendency to reduce the genuine possibility of educational reform to mere superficiality--good intentions lacking substance.
Calligrapher or Keyboard Operator? Multilingual Word-Processing in the Primary School
Explores the educational applications and potential of using multilingual word-processing in primary schools and offers solutions to technical difficulties. It provides tips on software selection, training, and introducing the program to parents and pupils.
Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:ā€¯Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning.The book clearly targets teachers as its audience. The book emphasizes multicultural approaches to curriculum development and instructional techniques.
Mask-making and the Art in Multicultural Art Education
Profiles the use of mask-making in an art education program at San Pedro Academy in Los Angeles. San Pedro is an all-male private school for elementary, middle and high school students with emotional and behavioral problems.
New Dramas for New Identities
Describes the use of a drama conducted within an educational setting to help students better understand the complexities of identity formation and prepare them to live in a multiracial society. The drama's effectiveness in fostering an understanding of cultural identities is assessed in light of changing social theories that question multicultural and antiracist education.
Seeing a World in a Grain of Sand: Science Teaching in Multicultural Context
Describes the Imagining Nature Project at Deakin University in Australia, and the Native Eyes Project at the Institute of American Indian Art in New Mexico. Both projects entail the teaching of science and technology to non-science majors of highly diverse cultural origin.
Teacher Learning: New Policies, New Practices. The Series on School Reform
This collection of articles focuses on the practice and policy of staff development in terms of recent developments in teacher learning. Following an introduction by the editors, the book is divided into five parts.
The Cradleboard Teaching Project: Using Curriculum and Cross-Cultural Partnering To Change Perceptions
Native Americans developed core curriculum units at the elementary, intermediate, and secondary levels in geography, history, music, social studies, and science presented from a Native American cultural perspective. Mainstream classes are paired with Native American classes and learn authentic information through cross-cultural exchange via e-mail, telephone, computer live chat, and video conferencing.