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Inclusive Schools and Communities
All Kids Count: Including Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessment Programs
"All Kids Count is intended as a basic primer on the participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessment systems. Its purpose is to give parents, parent leaders, professional, and other interested parties basic guidelines and points of reference for participating in discussions around policies and practices related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs.
Creating tomorrow's schools today: Stories of inclusions, change and renewal
This book discusses the inclusion of children with disabilities in general education settings and provides accounts of successful inclusive school communities.
Educating One and All: Students with Disabilities and Standards-Based Reform
In this report, the Committee on Goals 2000 and the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities reports on a systematic comparison of the policies and practices related to standards-based reform and special education. This report assesses the extent to which the goals of common standards and individualized education can be reconciled.
From exclusion to inclusion in urban schools: A new case for teacher education reform
Argues that special and segregating programs for students having difficulty learning focus on within-child deficits, keep students apart from their peers, and lower teacher expectations. The authors make a case for urban schools and teacher preparation that enhance skills in dealing with diverse learners and encourage inclusion.
Hartmann v. Loudoun County Board of Education
Loudoun County contends that the Hartmanns do not present a valid case or controversy because Mark is currently in an educational placement which the Hartmanns find appropriate. Under the unusual circumstances of this case, this conclusion is not correct.
Hartmann v. Loudoun County Board of Education
Loudoun County contends that the Hartmanns do not present a valid case or controversy because Mark is currently in an educational placement which the Hartmanns find appropriate. Under the unusual circumstances of this case, this conclusion is not correct.
Inclusion and School Reform: Transforming America’s Classrooms
This book examines the education of students with disabilities in the United States based on three historical stages: (1) the exclusion of these students from public schooling by law or regulation; (2) the institution of formal programs for schooling based on judicial and/or legislative requirements; and (3) progress toward defining the nature of inclusive policies and practices in public education.
Oberti by Oberti v. Board of Education of Borough of Clementon School District
The school district bears the burden of proving compliance with LRE regardless of which party brought the claim. The reason for imposing the burden of proof on the school system was explained by the Court: "the Act's strong presumption in favor of mainstreaming ..
Relative Differences in Academic Self-Concept and Peer Acceptance Among Students in Inclusive Classrooms
A study of over 2000 students in the Toronto area who were ”receiving instruction in inclusive general education classrooms” (2nd to 8th grades). The study compared academic self concept and peer acceptance across four groups of students identified as: ”disabled,” ”at risk,” ”ESL,” and ”non-categorized”.
Roncker v. Walter
A case in Ohio where parents asked for their child, a student who was segregated on the basis of a low I.Q., to have interactions with typical
peers occur for speech and behavior models - because of segregation this could not happen. .
Special education and inclusion
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Standards & Inclusion: Can We Have Both?
The move toward higher standards in our nation’s schools has raised a major dilemma for educators committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities. How can these students truly succeed in a learning environment where academic standards and formalized testing are increasing?” This video discusses the following: The Consequences of Higher Standards; The Seven Factors of Successful Inclusion; the Reauthorization of I.D.E.A.; and the Restructuring of Our Schools.
Supporting Inclusion: Beyond the rhetoric
Content Abstract:
Creating a unitary system to support educating students with disabilities in their neighborhood general education programs requires that general and specialized services complement and support each other and that all personnel employ instructional strategies that meet diverse students’ needs. Restructuring efforts require careful planning, implementation strategies, reallocated funding, teacher training, and flexible instructional adaptations.
Taylor’s Story: Full Inclusion in Her Neighborhood Elementary School
Content Abstract:
Analysis of the experience of a student with severe mental retardation who experienced full inclusion in her neighborhood elementary school revealed that the student’s opportunities for social participation and friendship improved, several adaptive skills were developed, the classroom teacher played a critical role in orchestrating the level of academic inclusion, and transition planning was essential. (Author/JDD) Method Abstract:
”Data from interviews, sociometric measures, videotapes, and field notes were used to present the perspectives of administrators, general and special educators, students and Taylor’s parents.” Quantitative and qualitative research methods utilized.
The sociometric status of students with disabilities in a full-inclusion school.
This study examined the sociometric status of children with disabilities in a full-inclusion school that did not use eligibility labels for special education services. The study used a positive and negative peer nomination technique to interview all students.