



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Cross-Cultural Interaction and Periodization in World History
Asks to what extent it is possible to identify meaningful and coherent historical periods across the boundaries of societies. Argues that cross-cultural interaction must figure prominently as a criterion in any effort to establish a periodization of world history in modern times.
Crossroads: Rethinking American History
Reports on efforts to develop "Crossroads," a K-16 articulated, content-based, spiral curriculum in United States history. Discusses the historical framework underlying the curriculum.
History Curriculum Face-Lift. Quebec Report
Reports on a 1996 Ministry of Education study on the teaching of history in Quebec. Criticizes the study for perpetuating leftist biases in favor of multiculturalism and globalization while censuring the study of Western civilization as evidence of Eurocentrism.
History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past
In recounting the sensational national controversy regarding the recent proposed National History Standards, the book explores three related themes that provided background for the controversy. The volume examines the blossoming of historical research, writing, and teaching of history in the 20th century with more diverse, more methodologically sophisticated, and more committed historians wishing to provide an inclusive U.S.
Reprise of Iroquois "Influence" Issue. The Public Eye
Reviews recent publications criticizing the idea that the intellectual development of U.S. democracy was influenced by the political organization of the Iroquois Confederacy.
Teaching Family History: An Annotated Bibliography
Provides an annotated bibliography on teaching family history, organized by eight approaches to the topic: (1) chronological; (2) multicultural families (comparative); (3) the life-cycle (4) gender; (5) impact of major historical events on families; (6) family and public policy; (7) family rituals; and (8) genealogical. (CMK).
The Problem of Interactions in World History
Accepts cross-cultural interaction as an appropriate criterion for periodizing world history, but notes implications of this scheme that may be broader than they appear. Calls for an explicit contrast of periodizations based on different criteria to illustrate their strengths and weaknesses.