part of the Education Reform Networks
Teaching Family History: An Annotated Bibliography
Provides an annotated bibliography on teaching family history, organized by eight approaches to the topic: (1) chronological; (2) multicultural families (comparative); (3) the life-cycle (4) gender; (5) impact of major historical events on families; (6) family and public policy; (7) family rituals; and (8) genealogical. (CMK)
Author/Creator: Mintz, Steven
Date Published: Sum
Journal/Secondary Title: OAH Magazine of History
Notes: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to this publication. Libraries worldwide that own item: 1215 UNIV OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
ISSN: 0882-228X
Journal Article (CIJE)
080 Journal Articles; 131 Reference Materials--Bibliographies
Number: 4
Volume: 15
Year: 2001
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