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A Diversity Curriculum: Integrating Attitudes, Issues, and Applications
Describes a graduate-level public administration course on valuing diversity, which provided opportunities to examine in detail the ethical dilemmas, public attitudes and values, and social consequences of compelling diversity issues. Reports on a content analysis of students' final papers, identifying common themes in students' development of competencies related to valuing diversity.
Changing Ethical Frameworks for a Multicultural World
Explores the origins of the dominant ethical belief system in student affairs which relies heavily on the application of principles to problems. Discusses examples of ethical behavior in professional practice and surveys ethics education for students.
Ethical Issues in Professional Counseling, 2001
Volume of 4 and 5 contain lessons that provide expert information on a variety of ethical issues in professional counseling. The lessons included in these volumes may be applied toward continuing education credits.
Ethics in Rehabilitation Education and Research
Reviews ethical issues that rehabilitation educators may face in meeting their everyday teaching and research responsibilities. Issues presented include dual relationships; selection of students; measurement of student competence; supervision of students; confidentiality concerning student information; faculty competence; multicultural issues; and the design, conduction, and publication of research.
Help or Hindrance? Staff Perspectives on Developmental Assessment in Multicultural Early Childhood Settings
Thirty-five staff members' views on developmental assessment in a multicultural early childhood setting are described and used to initiate a critique of current practice in assessment of young children. Staff expressed a range of opinions from endorsement to frank rejection of the utility, validity, and ethics of developmental assessment.
Including Jews in Multiculturalism
Discusses reasons for the lack of attention to Jews as an ethnic minority within multiculturalism both by Jews and non-Jews; why Jews and Jewish issues need to be included; and addresses some of the issues involved in the ethical treatment of Jewish clients. (Author).
Integrating Active Learning, Critical Thinking and Multicultural Education in Teaching Media Ethics across the Curriculum
This paper presents four teaching strategies, grounded in pedagogical theory, to encourage an active, challenging, creative, and meaningful experience for journalism and mass communication students grappling with moral issues, and developing higher order thinking in ethical decision-making processes. Strategies emphasizing critical thinking and diversity awareness have shown success in lower-division media and society classes.
Teaching What's Dangerous: Ethical Practice in Music Education
Proposes the educational activities in a modern, multicultural society and explains that these aims have strong implications for the ethical import of music education. States that music has a significant role in the personal and social development of students.
The Jewish Ethical Tradition in the Modern University
Proposes an interpretation of pluralism and multiculturalism that separates these concepts from the notions of relativism. Asserts that the inclusion of formerly excluded cultural traditions such as Judaism in North American universities has been a give-and-take enterprise.