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Elementary School Curriculum
Christianity in Public Schools: Perspective of a Non-Christian Immigrant Parent
Presents the dilemma of infusion of Christian ideology in public education faced by ethnic-immigrant families. Explores three factors challenging the validity of non-Christian beliefs and disfavoring bicultural and bilingual socialization of ethnic children: family structure and religiosity, community orthodoxy, and Christian education in public schools.
For Knowledge: Tradition, Progressivism and Progress in Education--Reconstructing the Curriculum Debate
Draws on realist theories of knowledge and epistemologies in the philosophy of science in order to argue that databases around the English school curriculum would benefit from such approaches. Reviews ways that knowledge has been conceived as social in educational thinking.
Multicultural Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom. ERIC Digest
Arguing that schools need to prepare all children to become competent citizens and to create an environment that fosters mutual understanding, this Digest discusses multicultural children's literature in the elementary classroom. It discusses the importance of multicultural children's literature and presents guidelines for selecting multicultural children's literature.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Repertoire, Authenticity, and Instruction: The Presentation of American Indian Music in Oklahoma's Elementary Schools. Native Americans: Interdisciplinary Perspectives--A Garland Series
This book examines the presentation of American Indian music by elementary music educators in Oklahoma, which has the largest American Indian population of any state. A literature review covers an historical profile of multicultural music education, ethnomusicological studies of American Indian music, dissertations pertaining to American Indian music in the classroom, analysis of American Indian content in general music textbooks, and surveys assessing inclusion of American Indian music in curricula.
Technology Connections for Grades 3-5. Research Projects and Activities
This book provides guidance and instruction for nine in-depth projects that integrate information literacy skills and technology skills with the elementary curriculum while promoting small-group learning and interpersonal skills. These projects use the talents of both the teacher and the librarian and emphasize small group learning.
The Early Childhood Curriculum: Current Findings in Theory and Practice. Third Edition. Early Childhood Education Series
Continuing pressures on all of education to fully prepare children for the role of citizen intensifies the need for early childhood educators to respond to the questions of what is taught and what content young children are learning. Designed as a resource for early childhood educators, this book offers an overview of various theories, research bases, and practices in curriculum content areas in early childhood education and addresses current issues such as inclusion and multiculturalism.
The Multicultural Worlds of Childhood in Postmodern America
The multicultural worlds of childhood in postmodern American present challenges and opportunities for the early childhood curriculum. This chapter explores the historical context of multicultural America and the possibility of an early childhood critical multicultural curriculum with "border crossings," or transversing subject-area disciplinary boundaries.
The Primary Program: Growing and Learning in the Heartland. Second Edition
This primary education curriculum guide was developed jointly by the Iowa and Nebraska Departments of Education to provide educators with a coherent framework to guide local planning for reform of educational programs for children at the kindergarten and primary level. In the belief that the field has moved beyond separate areas of service or curriculum, this second edition of the guide presents content related both to differences among learners and to emergent areas of curriculum throughout the text, reflecting the way children learn best--in an integrated and inclusive fashion.
We Are Still Here: Learning about Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Describes a year-long study of the indigenous peoples of the Americas conducted by an intern at a Montessori school, focusing on the Pueblo people and emphasizing contemporary indigenous people. Highlights introducing the study to students, creating materials that capture the essence of a Montessori lesson, structuring lessons through an examination of fundamental needs of indigenous nations/tribes, and reading books about contemporary indigenous children.